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415 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Source for materials for making seedballs
September 01, 2008
Regarding your answer to the person looking for Red Clay for making seedballs: The Red Clay can be found at Armadillo Clay in Austin, TX. (The inquirer lives in Round Rock). The Wildflower Center arti...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Wildflower seeds for Nocona, Texas
August 13, 2008
I have a place on Lake Nocona in Nocona,TX and am wanting to buy native wild flower seeds that will take the heat and little water. I have both sunlight and shade. I,m interested in the western prairi...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Source of black cherries for Tennessee
August 12, 2008
I need to know where black cherries grow in TN. I need a source of black cherries in TN. Do they grow easily and can the trees be bought?
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Plants for a steep lot in Tennessee
August 07, 2008
I have built a home on a very steep lot (approx 1 1/2 acres)in Northern Central Tenn in Jackson County. The lot is too steep to mow and some of it is too steep to stand on comfortably. My question is...
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Bluebonnets for wedding in February
August 04, 2008
I'm getting married in February 2009. My father passed away when I was younger and thus, won't be there to walk me down the aisle. His favorite flower was bluebonnets and I would like to include t...
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Where to purchase a non-native gardenia
August 02, 2008
Where can I buy a gardenia plant in south austin?
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Planting native yaupons on fence line for privacy
July 26, 2008
I live in the country and someone bought the place next door and is building a house close to me.(150 yards) I want to plant yaupon trees on my fence line. Can I get seeds somewhere? I have yaupons ...
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Source for purchase of native Parkinsonia aculeata
July 01, 2008
I would like to buy a Jerusalem Thorn Tree plant. I will purchase seeds if plant is not available. Can you tell me where I can purchase either?
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Identification of palm plant
June 21, 2008
Hello! I just bought a tiny 10" tall feather leafed palm. I did my research first though, and thought I was buying an areca palm. Now after doing more research, I really have no idea what type of pal...
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Source of seeds for Schisandra glabra (bay starvine)
June 21, 2008
Hi, I am looking for an herbal plant, Schisandra. It bears red berries. Please let me know where I can find/ buy this plant. Thanks.
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Pictures and sources for black trilliums
June 10, 2008
Do you have pictures and/or sources for Black Trilliums?
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Where plants can be purchased in Jennings, FL
June 07, 2008
I would like to know where I can buy some plants to plant on my property to grow?
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Native wetland plants nursery
June 03, 2008
I need to replant a disturbed wetlands area in Brookfield, CT. I have a list of plants (Sparganium americanum, sagittaria latifolia, pontederia cordata, peltandra virginica ) etc. Where to I go to o...
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Food value of cultivars of eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana)
May 21, 2008
Can you suggest any resources regarding the wildlife value of native plant cultivars? For example, I can only buy an eastern red Cedar cultivar in my region: "Burkii" or "Emerald Sentinel". I w...
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Information on Lansium domesticum
May 20, 2008
Where can I purchase a Lansium domesticum plant ? Will it grow here in Auburn, Wa?
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Source for Penstemon calycocus
May 01, 2008
Do you know where I can obtain Penstemon calycocus? I live in Annapolis. I am willing to look at mail order sources.
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Cutting costs on purchase of plants in Boston
April 19, 2008
I spend OVER $600 per season on annuals for my gardens here in the Boston area each year. I wonder if there is any place you are aware that I can buy discounted plants? I grow the typical geraniums, m...
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Weed eradication in Turfallo
April 18, 2008
I live in the Texas Panhandle and last June we planted Turfallo in our backyard - we now have lots of weeds - my information says I can use products containing MSM and 2410 to eradicate weeds. I am a...
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Source for non-native, invasive Chocolate Mimosa
March 30, 2008
Hi, I was wondering if you know where I can get seeds for a Chocolate Mimosa Tree? I saw one and I fell in love with the colors but I can not find any seeds or a tree.
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Seed sources for gardening projects for kids
March 27, 2008
Hello! I want to grow some agriculture plants for my kids, namely, cotton, alfalfa, etc. Do you know of a source to buy seeds without chemicals? Thanks! p.s. If you have any other ideas for co...
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Rhizobium sources for bluebonnets
March 25, 2008
Where can you buy Rhizobium for your bluebonnet seeds?
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Source for purchase of Texas Madrone
March 23, 2008
Where can we buy a Texas Madrone, the Peeling Tree, or Naked Indian tree?
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Source of Dalea greggii seeds
March 14, 2008
I want to purchase Gregg Dalea seeds. Where can I order them?
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Sources for native plants in Wimberly, TX
March 10, 2008
Where can I go to find a good selection of Central Texas Native plants. I live in Wimberley and I want to fill my garden and land with native plants, shrubs and trees. I cannot find a place to purcha...
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Source of seeds for non-native Josephs Coat
March 08, 2008
Looking for some time for Joseph's coat seeds,(Althernanthera--Chartreuse), Can you help?
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