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461 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Plants for shade in Abilene TX
October 29, 2011
I live in Abilene, Texas. I am trying to find the best plants to fill in an area on the North side of my home, which gets absolutely no sun. The area is sprinklered, and stays fairly moist. I really d...
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transplanting Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum capillus-veneris)
October 25, 2011
Behind our house is a huge grotto with a spring flowing through it that runs into a creek. Because of the constant flow of water, there are many of the Maidenhair Ferns (Adiantum capillus-veneris). I ...
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Container plants for cool weather in Cypress TX
October 02, 2011
I am a novice gardener and I am looking for some ideas on potted plants for the fall/winter. They would be covered by a roof, but still susceptible to the elements. What can be planted now that will...
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Native grasses for shady yard in Austin
September 04, 2011
I was looking at your research on native grasses to be used in a yard. I want to plant your native mix of seeds, but worry that there is too much shade in my yard. I live in central Austin and wante...
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Stumps of fallen oaks in Hurricane Irene from Newton PA
September 03, 2011
Two large red oaks fell in the woods in our yard in Newtown PA due to Hurricane Irene. The trees have been removed, but the stumps remain. Please can you recommend some fast-growing, attractive, nativ...
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Native plants for shade in Ennis TX
August 26, 2011
My house faces south. The southwest side of the front yard has a Pride of Houston, Japanese Barberry, 2 crape myrtles and some dwarf yaupon hollies. The other section, divided by a stairway to the p...
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Replacing mature Arizona Ash trees in Austin
August 26, 2011
Mr. Smarty Plants, I have 2 very large, very old Arizona Ash trees in my yard. I want to remove them and replace them with something like Cedar Elm or Chinquapin Oak. The problem is that they are t...
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Native grasses or sedges for a border in Texas
August 12, 2011
I am in the process of gradually replacing some of my landscaping in Dallas Texas with native Texas plants. Your website has been very helpful. I now wish to replace a liriope border, which has cro...
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Erosion prevention on shady Pennsylvania stream
July 28, 2011
I'm looking for a few species to plant along a stream channel to help reduce erosion during heavy rains. The soil is moist and in full shade. Ferns and thorny bushes are the only current vegetation...
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Plants for under live oak in Houston
July 09, 2011
Hi, We have a live oak in our back garden in Houston and would like to plant a combination of some native shrubs and flowers near it (preferably perennial). The garden bed is about 4 metres from the...
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Native wildflowers for shade in Boone NC
July 05, 2011
I have a totally shaded area with tall trees and want to plant some native shade wildflowers beneath the trees. It is fairly level. I'd like perennial flowers. I noticed Flaming Azalea was one opti...
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ground covers for shady areas in New York City
June 27, 2011
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants: What would be the best ground covers for big shady areas in New York City instead of lawns?
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Shady shrubs for an ugly fence in New Jersey.
June 23, 2011
What type of tree or shrub can I plant in 07747 NJ to cover an ugly fence that gets little or no sun. Thanks
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Grass for shady area
June 21, 2011
I need to find a grass that can grow in a shady area, with some sun. Drought resistant and preferably native to the area. Would like to find a sod if possible. I know it's not a great time to plant n...
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Grass for sunny or shady slope in Birmingham AL
June 16, 2011
What kind of grass grows well in the shade or sun on a sloping landscape?
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Shaded Groundcover for Florida
June 15, 2011
Looking for ground cover for shade. Area is between two houses. Something with minimal amount of work and care.
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Silverleaf Nightshade, Happy in El Paso Texas
June 14, 2011
Trying to identify a small wildflower all over in our El Paso neighborhood. Lavender bloom, five pointed petals, Star pattern inside, five bright yellow pistols. Beautiful. Thanks!
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Watering newly planted woodland plants in VA
June 12, 2011
How frequently should newly planted, native plants, growing in wooded areas be watered? Is it better to not water at all than to use sprinklers in which case the water rarely saturates the leaf...
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Plants for a shady hillside in WI
June 07, 2011
I would like to know what kind of plants I could plant on a northern exposure hillside to stop erosion. At the bottom of the hill is a lake. Also would putting rocks from the area as natural retaining...
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Fast-growing vine for shade in Brooklyn
June 05, 2011
I am looking for a flowering vine that is fast growing and will be able to flower this season if I plant it within next couple weeks (in June) here in Brooklyn. I want something that will grow up a pi...
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Bee-attracting vine for shade from St. Paul MN
June 02, 2011
I need a vine for shade that attracts bees. I am in Minnesota, zone 4a. Thanks
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What will grow under neighbor's overhanging tree in Grosse Pointe Woods MI
May 29, 2011
My next door neighbor has a beautiful tree that is easily 60 years old and thus not going anywhere. Unfortunately, for me the roots of this tree have extended under a large corner of my back yard. Add...
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Plants for a shaded flower bed in OK City
May 29, 2011
Here in Oklahoma City we have a flower bed west of our house, shaded all day by the house next door except for 2-3 hours of direct sun from the west. I have struggled with what bushes to plant there....
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Evergreen Deck Plant for Oregon
May 29, 2011
Need evergreen shrub to grow in shade in container 5ft tall for deck.
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Native grass for sandy soil and shade
May 27, 2011
We have a sandy soil and lots of shade. Is there a native grass that would do well under these conditions?
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