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A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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300 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

Obtaining seeds for mutant white bluebonnet
April 18, 2007
I have seen a white bluebonnet in Brenham on Easter and wondered how rare the white ones are and how you get seeds for those. Are there any special directions on collecting seeds for planting next fa...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

More on bluebonnets
April 14, 2007
Do bluebonnets, being a legume, contribute anything beneficial to the soil?
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Lupines for attracting deer in South Carolina
April 06, 2007
I live in SC and was watching a TV show called "Making it Grow" and they did a segment on Lupine. The lady on the show said that the plant attracted whitetail deer and I was wondering if that was t...
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More on bluebonnets
April 05, 2007
I live in Hereford, Texas, near Amarillo. What would be the closest area for us to see fields of bluebonnets and when? Is it Wichita Falls?
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Invasive common giant mustard
March 14, 2007
I have been seeing a lot of a small shrubby plants with yellow flowers all over Austin, mainly along roadsides. Back in my day the first wildflowers of Spring were the paintbrushes and the bluebonnets...
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More on bluebonnets
March 13, 2007
I want to go to the Willow loop north 7 miles or so of Fredericksburg to see the bluebonnets in bloom this year but don't know when the best time would be to see this spectacular view. I plan to be ...
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Blooming time in Austin for wildflowers
March 12, 2007
Hi Mr. Smarty Pants!! I am a wildflower artist coming for my first spring visit to Austin to exhibit in the Artisan's Festival. As a wildflower fanatic, I am hoping to see and photograph some of "...
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More on bluebonnets
March 10, 2007
It is the first week of March in northeast Oklahoma and I received a wildflower mix that is 60% Lupinus texensis or Texas bluebonnets. Should I wait until fall to plant or can I cold treat or do som...
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Sources of cut native wildflowers
March 06, 2007
I am preparing for my garden club's annual flower show and I have been assigned Southern Graces in San Antonio. Is there a source for cut bluebonnets or indian paintbrushes? Thank you.
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Reversion of maroon bluebonnets back to blue
March 01, 2007
In the fall, I bought a flat of Texas bluebonnets. They are blooming now, and it turns out they are actually maroon bluebonnets! Which is really too bad, because I want blue bluebonnets. Do you know i...
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