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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Brady, TX
Mountain Laurel and Desert Willow in pots or ground in Brady, TX
I would really appreciate your advice if a Texas Mountain Laurel (now a 1 gal. size) and a Desert Willow (now a 3 gal.) are good candidates for planting in containers and, if so, what size for each? ...
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Brady, TX
Transplanting young Nolina texana plants
Mr. SP, I am looking for information relating to transplanting some young Nolina texana. Esp. the best time of the year and whether to replant directly in the ground or .. Thanks,
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Brady, TX
Freeze damage to esperanza in pot from Brady TX
My esperanza, currently in a container, has suffered some freeze damage. I have prepared a planting spot for it and am not sure whether to plant now, trim it back if I do plant it, etc. I would appr...
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Hext, TX
Identification of large egg-like objects on vines in Texas
This past weekend we were at our deer lease in Hext,TX. My children and I went exploring along the banks of the San Saba river and found what we originally thought were some type of turtle or turkey e...
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Mason, TX
Source of dry molasses near Mason, Texas
Can you guys point me to a local source of dry molasses? I can get 50 lb bags from Amazon but shipping cost is almost double the cost of the product. I want to try it as a supplement to mechanical con...
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Mason, TX
Plant identification
Hello- I would like to know what is this plant? It grows in part to full sun over a large area; gray fuzzy, quilted, pointed leaves. It is now about 6-10" tall plants but there are untrimmed 24-3...
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Mason, TX
Foundation plants unlikely to provide good shade for rattlesnakes in TX
I would like to plant native grass around my new home in the country near Mason, TX. My concerns are the rattlesnakes that are common here, and if they could "hide" in the native grasses since they ...
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Mason, TX
Buffalograss for Mason County, TX
I am interested in planting buffalo grass at a ranch home in between Mason and Fredericksburg, TX. I've read buffalograss doesn't do well in sandy soils, which this area (Hilda, TX) seems to have a ...
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Eden, TX
Transplanting native flame leaf sumac in Eden, TX
We have tried without success to transplant a flame leaf sumac from the ranch to the house. What are we doing wrong?
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Millersview, TX
When and how to sow bluebonnets in Concho, Texas
Please tell me when I should plant bluebonnet seeds in Concho County, Texas (near San Angelo). I am getting different answers from different sources. Also, can the seeds be strown or do they need to a...
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Valley Spring, TX
Growing live oaks from acorns
What is the best way to grow Live Oaks from acorns?
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Cherokee, TX
Vine for a fence in San Saba County, Texas
I want to plant vines on a deer proof fence close to my house for privacy. Are there any vines that stay green year round? Also what breed of vine would you recommend for several hundred feet of fenc...
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Paint Rock, TX
Edible and Medicinal Plant Resources for West Texas
I am a teacher of gifted and talented students in Paint Rock, Texas. We were looking for a reliable book or website for edible and medicinal plants in West Texas.
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Brownwood, TX
Care of huisache tree (Acacia farnesiana)
I bought a huisache tree, about one ft. tall, last spring. How do I prune, stake, and care for it as it grows? Do they usually bloom in Brownwood, Tx ?
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Llano, TX
Can trees survive if trunks are buried under 3-5 ft of soil?
We have two cedar elms and a mesquite that I protected from backfill as our Texas Hill Country lot was leveled in preparation for building a house. The bulkheads are now holding back 3' to 5' of ma...
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Llano, TX
Native replacement for Mexican heather in Llano, TX
Please suggest a native or adaptable alternative plant for Mexican Heather.
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Llano, TX
What is the orange vine that is covering the wildflowers from Llano, TX?
What is the invasive orange vine that is covering the wildflowers on Texas highways?
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Llano, TX
Freeze damage on Barrel Cactus in Llano TX
I believe my barrel cactus has freeze damage. The flesh turned yellow and is now turning dark. The base is still green. If I cut off the damaged top portion, leaving the green base, should it survive?...
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Llano, TX
Propagation of yellow columbine
I purchased a yellow columbine, Aquilegia chrysantha and your website says it grows in moist upland soils, and yet it shows their habitat as Utah, Arizona, NM, and sw Texas. Tell me how it can...
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Llano, TX
Mountain Laurel suffering from Spring freeze
I have a 4 1/2 ft Texas Mountain Laurel shrub in current location for several years. A hard freeze this spring killed every leaf on the tree, but the stems remained green. My other smaller Mt. Laure...
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Llano, TX
What is the pH of Bald Cypress needles?
What is the pH of Bald Cypress needles?
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