Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Comfort, TX
Non-native Jerusalem Sage from Comfort TX
I live in Comfort, TX. I have 3 Jerusalem sage plants that bloom beautifully each year. However, just the past week one has started turning yellow and brown. The leaves look withered and ready to die....
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Comfort, TX
Insects attacking Gregg's Blue Mistflower from Comfort TX
I have a beautiful stand of Gregg's Blue Mist flower that have been attacked by an unknown insect. The new growth is curled and stunted and it is not flowering. I'm not alone..I've seen the Gregg'...
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Comfort, TX
Century plant dying after bloom
My century plant is so tall that it is up to the top of the telephone pole top lines that carry our streets electric. I was wanting to know if you knew if I cut the stock off would it save the plant ...
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Comfort, TX
Problems with Agave americana in Comfort TX
We have lost a huge agave americana and are not able to find out what to do for our others. The one we lost was rotted or eaten (beetles?) at the base and the whole thing just fell over. We have a l...
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Comfort, TX
Native Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Are society garlic, Salvia greggii, black escarpment cherries, and wine cup wildflowers toxic to dogs?
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Comfort, TX
Plant screen for Comfort TX
My house sits on a hill between Fredericksburg and Comfort. Darn, if my neighbors didn't build so close to my property line that I can see into their cabin when the trees drop their leaves in the f...
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Kerrville, TX
Pruning drought-stressed butterfly plants from Kerrville TX
Due to the drought, our butterfly bushes have dead branches. Ordinarily we prune the dormant plants in winter, but can we cut back dead branches now?
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Kerrville, TX
When and how to mow native grass in Texas
We live on a ranch near Kerrville. The grass is sparse KR, purple three-awn and some Texas wintergrass. How and when is the best way and time to mow this native grass?
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Kerrville, TX
Erosion tolerant plants for shade from Kerrville TX
We have just cleared a lot of cedar out of a small draw and would like to know the best groundcovers, shrubs, etc. to plant to hold the soil. Deep shade most of the day.
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Kerrville, TX
Fast-growing, deer resistant native plants for Kerrville, TX
I'm looking for a plant that will spread quickly and thickly on a very steep slope. The area to be covered is 60'long x 5'high and is crumbly limestone with full sun and very dry. We have a large...
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Kerrville, TX
Will Bermuda grass survive a drought-induced dormancy?
If I stop watering a Bermuda grass lawn and let it go dormant, will it green up again when it rains again?
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Kerrville, TX
complete list of Central Texas edible plants
Hello! I have been searching for a complete list of Texas Hill Country Native Edibles (for humans) without much luck. Do you know of a good source? Thanks so much for your hard work! Steph
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Kerrville, TX
Problems with Cedar Elm in Kerrville TX
We live in 10 miles outside Kerrville - have a Cedar Elm tree - planted 4 or 5 years ago, 15-20 foot high, is losing leaves in the top 1/4th. Rest of leaves look healthy and green.
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Kerrville, TX
Are there plants that are resistant to axis deer?
I live about 10 miles south of Kerrville, Texas, toward Medina. I wish to begin planting more natives on a plot we have recently purchased. Some plants will go inside a fence that deer...
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Kerrville, TX
Does Monarda citriodora, lemon beebalm, self-fertilize?
Does Monarda citriodora produce its seeds from cleistogamous flowers?
Thank you
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Kerrville, TX
Need help with pruning my Anacacho Orchid tree.
We have an Anacacho Orchid Tree which has done so well in its location that we will need to prune it back. Please advise how much we can prune it and what time of year to do so.
Thank you
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Kerrville, TX
Kerrville Soil for Vegetables
We are moving to our vacation home in Kerrville, TX and plan on putting in a vegetable garden on the sunny north side of our house. I'm assuming that your answer to the person inquiring about "soil...
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Kerrville, TX
Pathway material for Kerrville, TX
I have removed the St Augustine, expanded a perennial bed of mostly natives and created a pathway along the new bed. Can you recommend a plant to use as a pathway? It should require low water, be hea...
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Kerrville, TX
Are Cuscuta spp. (dodders) in Cuscutaceae or Convolvulaceae?
USDA plant database has the species Cuscuta in the CUSCUTACEAE FAMILY; you have it in the CONVOLVULACEAE FAMILY. Which is correct?
Thank you.
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Kerrville, TX
What are the native plants in Kerrville, Texas?
What are the native plants in Kerrville, Texas?
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kerrville, TX
Need a native vine to grow on a fence next to a horse pasture in Kerrville, TX.
I have a wooden fence between my yard and the horse pasture. I would like to plant a native Texas vine (grapevine, honeysuckle, etc.) to cover the fence that will be evergreen and showy, but one that ...
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