Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Flowering and fruting of Texas wild plums and where they grow
Could you please tell me about Texas wild plum trees—when they flower, when they bear fruit and where they grow.
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Dallas, TX
Shrubs for privacy screening in Dallas
We have a small yard in Dallas with a four foot chainlink fence. Our neighbor has positioned his patio furniture to face our backyard. What kind of Texas native shrubs can we plant near our fence to p...
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Proliferation of Small Palafoxia in Dallas Co. TX
A few years ago I noticed a new wildflower I hadn't seen before in the southwest Dallas County area. I found the name to be Small Palafoxia. It was growing along the edges of HWy 67 in Duncanville ...
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Starting wild plant seeds indoors from Dallas TX
Is it possible to start some Phlox drummondii or other native wild flower from seed indoors, and then transplant to my garden? If so, can you suggest some?
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Native plants to make houses for sale more attractive
I could use your suggestions: I have 2 small houses in Dallas which I am trying to sell, and would like to beautify -- with plants.
Currently there are no shrubs or groundcover or trees -- nor anyo...
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Dallas, TX
Wildflower driving tours in Texas
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How does gray water affect plants?
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Dallas, TX
Transplanting yucca pups from Dallas
Can I transplant Pup Yucca plants off of the main yucca and how do I cut them off?
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More on bluebonnets
When will the bluebonnets bloom in the Hill Country this spring?
Please let us know. Thank you.
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Dallas, TX
Need suggestion for a replacement tree in Dallas, TX.
We are going to have a 25' tall tree removed and ground out because every year squirrels chew the branches and make huge piles on the deck and into the pool. This continues for a good month 1.5. Hen...
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Why is non-native, invasive dandelion called a wildflower?
Why is a dandelion a wildflower? {I read it in a book.}
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Dallas, TX
Webbing on oak leaves and fuzzy yellow growths on leaf veins
I have a large red oak(?) and live oak that appear to have the same problem. Clumps of leaves all over the trees are covered by fine webbing and the leaves appear to be curling up and dying in the we...
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Dallas, TX
Pollinators of Bauhinia lunarioides (Anacacho orchid tree)
What are the pollinators of Bauhinia lunarioides? Also, is it a host plant for any butterfly or moth caterpillars?
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Dallas, TX
Seeding wildflowers in Dallas
What is the best way to establish seed for wildflowers in Dallas, TX? The area does get some irrigation from rotors. Would hydromulch be the most effective option?
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Dallas, TX
Listings of the native plants in Texas
What are the native plants in the state of Texas?
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Dallas, TX
Wine from Ampelopsis arborea?
Hello, can you eat or make wine from the fruit of Ampelopsis arborea? I have found a few vines that are very fruitful and are ready to pick!
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Dallas, TX
Non-native Star Jasmine poisonous to dogs from Dallas
Is star jasmine poisonous to dogs?
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Dallas, TX
Native plants to grow with Earth Kind roses
I garden on Blackland Prairie clay in Dallas. I am planning an Earth Kind rose bed. I am planning to add 3" of compost and 3" of expanded shale and to mulch with 3" of organic material, as recomm...
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Dallas, TX
Growing Magnolia from Seed in Dallas
I recently visited the property that had once been my grandmother's. Lots of memories. The house burned down years ago, but the magnolia tree that she loved still stood. I gathered several dried seed...
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Dallas, TX
Older leaves yellowing on Savannah holly in Dallas
I planted a Savannah Holly in Dallas, TX in the Fall of 2008. It has new growth and some white buds all over it, but some of the older leaves are turning yellow and dropping off. Is this normal?
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Dallas, TX
Pictures of Bastard Cabbage from Dallas TX
HI! Re your March 12 posting:
The USDA Plants website pictures two very different looking plants identified as Rapistrum rugosum (bastardcabbage). Would you please post a photo with leaf and bloom ...
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