Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Lowell, AR
Smarty Plants on Plant Identification
We bought our house last October and there were beautiful pink flowers blooming along our sidewalk. They bloomed until past Thanksgiving. They resembled Azaleas but we don't know what they were. Th...
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Rogers, AR
Will a gift yucca survive in Northwest Arkansas?
Had received a yucca tree as a gift and wondering if it will survive in the ground here in northwest Arkansas. It has a complete tropical look compared to my regular yucca plants. I believe it's actu...
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Rogers, AR
Grass for erosion control
I have a very shaded sloped back yard. I have not been able to get grass to grow due to the shade. There are approximately twenty 30-40 ft. Oaks in the yard. The yard slopes toward the house. I wo...
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Rogers, AR
Plants for a septic field in Rogers AR
I live in Rogers Arkansas (northwest corner of the state). My home sits in a holler. My back and side yard is almost totally lateral lines for a septic system. One section of my yard (it's fenced an...
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Springdale, AR
Finding climate zone before puchasing plants in Springdale AR
I should be allowed to select my climate zone, my state has at least 3 zones. Then this would be a terrific help in identifying which plants I should buy.
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Springdale, AR
Yellowing leaves on weeping willow
We have a 4 year old Weeping Willow, 12+/- ft. tall and this week the leaves are starting to become yellow.
This willow is full and robust in appearance, best it's ever looked.
We have 2 other Wee...
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Bentonville, AR
Vines for fence in Bentonville, Arkansas
I have about 600 LF of 8ft high chain link fence I would like to grow vines on in Northwest Arkansas for screening. I would like some to cover quickly but be maintenance friendly. I heard alternating ...
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Bentonville, AR
Is any part of flowering peach (Prunus persica) toxic to dogs
I know that peach pits and wilting leaves are poisonous to dogs, but can you tell me if any part of the Red Flowering Peach Tree (no fruit) is toxic?
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Fayetteville, AR
Non-native Alocasia in Fayetteville, AR
I am trying to find out information on a plant that I received as a gift called an Alocaiso Plant, It a green, large, shiny green leaf plant with cream colored veins. Very beautiful and I would think...
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Fayetteville, AR
Advice about buffalo grass lawn in NW Arkansas
I am determined to grow a native buffalo grass (bouteloua) lawn in Northwest Arkansas. My question is this: I am considering mixing an annual rye into the bouteloua seed mix for the purpose of quick, ...
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Eureka Springs, AR
Pond Plants for Eureka Springs AR
I have a 1 acre pond that we are cleaning up. This area will be used for recreation and fishing. We plan to put native rock around some of the edges and need perennial plants that do well in rocky are...
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Eureka Springs, AR
Cause of trees losing bark in Arkansas
I live in very rural Arkansas and we did have extreme heat this past summer and since then I have noticed several trees in the woods that have lost huge strips of their bark and I was wondering if it ...
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Stilwell, OK
Knots on redbuds in Stillwell, OK
My redbud has knots all over the limbs. Its been this way for a few years now. I can not find a way to take care of this problem. I don't even know what is causing this. Can you help me?
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Bernice, OK
More on bluebonnets
It is the first week of March in northeast Oklahoma and I received a wildflower mix that is 60% Lupinus texensis or Texas bluebonnets. Should I wait until fall to plant or can I cold treat or do som...
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Harrison, AR
Infrequently blooming yucca in Harrison AR
My Yuccas have only bloomed once in 8 years. Looking at the Internet I think mine is Elephantis variety - I did buy them at a nursery; they are in full sun.
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Branson, MO
Plants for water park
I usually have no problem locating the right species for a given situation, but I may need some advice for this. I am looking for plants -- from annual & perennial flowers to shrubs and small t...
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Joplin, MO
Freeze problems with non-native weeping willow in Joplin, MO
My weeping willow had leaves forming and a frost hit and now the tree looks like it is dead. Everything else is in bloom and I don't know if the frost killed my tree or if I need to wait to see if it...
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Wagoner, OK
Can a Texas Mountain Laurel grow in Northeast Oklahoma?
I was born and raised in Texas but am now living in Northeast Oklahoma. I miss the smell of Texas mountain laurels in the spring. Is there any way of getting one to grow here?
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Wagoner, OK
Possible identification of Hydrocotyle bonariensis
I went to Pedra Island two years ago I saw a plant that grew around the beach. It has a perfectly round leaf that has the stem in the middle of the back side of the leaf. It has small yellow flowers. ...
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Muskogee, OK
Ants in vegetable garden in Muskogee OK
I have ants in my vegetable garden this spring - I think because of all the rain. I think they are the culprits that ruined my spinach and swiss chard. They have left all the lettuces alone..but you...
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Muskogee, OK
Problems with non-native zucchini in Muskogee, OK
In the awful heat of this summer I am still getting zucchini to produce. But, once it grows about 3 inches, it gets yellow on the ends and dies. Am I watering it too much? (I have sprayed for bugs ...
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