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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Hartford, CT
Recommendation for red raspberry species for Connecticut
Hello, I was wondering if you could recommend any red raspberries that I can grow in Connecticut. Thanks!
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Hartford, CT
Learning to garden from Hartford CT
Hello, I just recently found an interest in gardening, and have discovered "cultivars." I am having trouble finding what exactly a cultivar is, and if they are bad or not. Can culltivars ever occur ...
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West Hartford, CT
Native trees for privacy screen in Connecticut
I am looking to replace a row of white pine trees with something else along the border between our yard and neighbor's yard. We only get afternoon sun and we need something that will grow to around ...
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West hartford, CT
Growth rate of the American beech tree from West Hartford CT
What is the growth rate of an American beech tree?
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Glastonbury, CT
Failure to thrive of non-native Japanese maple
My 10 year old Japanese red maple leaves suddenly started to curl up and die at the end of summer last year. Only about a quarter of the tree leaved out this spring, branches are dead. Can I plant ano...
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New Britain, CT
Non-blooming rhododendron in Connecticut
A two or three yr old rhododendron has not blossomed - ever! All other plants in landscape doing well, but not this one. Help
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Simsbury, CT
Is Rosa rugosa poisonous?
Are beach plums from a Rosa rogosa poisonous?
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Vernon, CT
Beans growing under artificial light from Vernon CT
What bean plant will grow the best under a flourescent,spot gro light,green transparent light,or Natural light and why.What caused it to grow like it did?
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Windsor Locks, CT
Is Echinacea poisonous to cats?
Is the echinacea plant poisonous to cats?
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East Granby, CT
Invasive native wild onions in East Granby CT
I have wild onions which have become extremely invasive. I have no idea how to get rid of them, and this year they seem to have taken over my entire flower bed. I tried pulling the bulbs out for sever...
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Hebron, CT
Ground cover for Connecticut sandy gravel bank
What ground cover plant can I use on a sandy gravel bank behind my house?
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Coventry, CT
Identification of shrubs with red berries in Connecticut
In my yard there are bushes about 4 1/2' tall with red berries. The berries are bright red and somewhat translucent with striations visible through the skin.I thought they were gooseberries perhaps, ...
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Amston, CT
Male pollinator to produce berries on Juniperus virginiana from Amston CT
We have planted 3 juniperus virginiana 'Glauca' (on our Connecticut property) that have a few blue berries on them. Will they need a male pollinator to make berries? We do not have other juniperus...
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Longmeadow, MA
Plants available for viewing in Wildflower Center in October
We are thinking of bringing a group to visit the Wildflower Center during the weekend of my son's wedding in Austin in early October. Will there be much to see at the garden at that time of year? ...
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Southwick, MA
Identification of blue wildflower on roadsides in Massachusetts
What is the blue wildflower planted on roadsides and highways in Massachusetts?
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Riverton, CT
Problems with redbud in CT
My Eastern redbud was planted 4 years ago and has been fine. This Spring it was beginning to pop out buds. Less than a week later, after returning from a trip all the buds were dead, never flowered, ...
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Wallingford, CT
Will catalpa roots damage a nearby swimming pool?
Will a catalpa tree cause problems to my swimming pool? It is 8 feet away and I cut all the branches off every fall. It then grows back to about 6 feet in diameter an makes a great garden feature but ...
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Wallingford, CT
Non-blossoming trumpet vine
About 9 years ago I started a trumpet vine, from seeds that I got from plants that were invading an empty home. I saw how invasive it was. It had worked its way into the windows and front porch and ...
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Springfield, MA
Plant identification from Springfield MA
We have a house next to us that is vacant. The lawn has not been mowed in months. a tall flower has grown amongst the grass and weeds. It is about 3 to 4 feet tall green stem and the flower is about 2...
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Springfield, MA
Locating Rosa rugosa for Massachusetts
There is a shrub that grows out on the Cape especially at the beach. I have always called it Beach Rose and I have heard other people call it a Beach Plum. However, the most recent picture of a Beac...
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Westfield, MA
Identification of tree or shrub in Massachusetts
Good morning, We are in Zone 5 and have a tree/shrub I cannot identify in the backyard of our new home. Tall (6')and growing, green stems,and when the stems are broken the branches smell of lemon o...
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