Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants
Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Berlin, NH
Failure of highbush blueberry plant to produce in New Hampshire
One of my highbush blueberry plants completely stopped producing. What can I do to revive it?
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Conway, NH
Identification of a Kerry bush on Cape Cod
I think the "bush" is called a Kerry bush - grows wild on Cape Cod - has little yellow "rose-like" flowers. - Is this the correct name and how can I make it thrive in New Hampshire?
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Lincoln, NH
Fast-growing evergreen shade shrub for Lincoln NH
I need a fast-growing, shade loving evergreen shrub that will give us privacy and grow in and around some White Pines whose branches were pruned to 4 - 6 ft above the ground. The house is in Lincoln ...
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South Paris, ME
Appropriate mulch for strawberries in Maine
Can mulch (like cedar mulch- kinds used in flower gardens) be used between rows of strawberries?
Can you also suggest how far apart lupine species need to be so that they wont interbreed?
Thank ...
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South Paris, ME
Crossbreedding of Lupinus polyphyllus and L. perennis
Hello, can Lupinus polyphyllus and L. perennis crossbreed? I have both and want to keep perennis genetically pure, is the only way to do this is to get rid of the polyphyllus?
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Haverhill, NH
Identification of vine growing near river in New Hampshire
I found a small vine growing near a river in NH. It has five point leaflets similar to sumac but much smaller. The flowers were pink with a deep purple/burgundy on the inside. The flowers are in clus...
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Orleans, VT
Plants to control hillside erosion in Vermont
Hi, I am trying to do an eagle project that involves putting vegetation onto a hill to prevent erosion. I live in Vermont. What kinds of plants would hold together a hillside and could be planted in ...
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Raymond, ME
Wildflowers and grasses for a septic field in Maine
Mr. Smarty Pants: I want to know the length of root systems for native Maine wildflowers that will be planted over a septic system drain field in Maine. Also any grasses you can think of. This area ...
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Mt. Vernon, ME
Absence of blooms in non-native Rosa rugosa
I have a rosa rugosa in my yard that was here when I moved in..and it has never bloomed. It is in a sunny spot, but there are never any flowers..not even a single bud on this trailing plant. I cut it ...
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Wakefield, NH
Blue rug juniper native to New Hampshire
Is the blue rug juniper native to New Hampshire? I'm considering it for ground cover near lake in zip 03872.
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Hyde Park, VT
Resource for information on phytoremediation
I've been searching for a resource that will tell me which contaminants certain plants are able to absorb (in terms of phytoremediation).
Thanks so much - I do hope to hear from you so...
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Laconia, NH
Eliminating evasive Celastrus orbiculatus (Oriental bittersweet)
I have Oriental Bittersweet growing pervasively in my shrub garden, strangling my shrubs and growing into my beautiful Victorian porch. I can't keep up with it! What can I do?
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Etna , NH
Invasive horsetail in Etna NH
I seem to have an increasingly "healthy" supply of Equisetum in ALL of my many gardens over the years .. it is not easy to get all the rhizomes (what is?) is it possible to control it some other way...
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Brookfield, VT
Resources for information on native plants of Ecuador
Hi, I'm going to Ecuador this spring to work on a gardening project in the rainforest of Ecuador. I'm interested in native plants of Ecuador, especially flowering plants - do you know of a good res...
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Norwich , VT
Vine for house in partial sun in Vermont
we are looking for a climbing vine against the east side of our house, partial sun but need at least 20 feet tall, in zone 4, vermont
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Portland, ME
Low maintenance native plants for sloping lawn in Maine
Hello, we live in Maine and have clay-ey soil with a lot of sun. I suspect the soil is acidic as well. We would like to replace at least part of our small front lawn with native ground cover or gras...
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Portland, ME
Plant identification
I found gorgeous berries on a tree or large bush (about 10 feet tall) and clipped a little cluster the size of my hand. There are 6 or more, starting the size of a blueberry in lime green and growing ...
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Lebanon, NH
How does Graptopetalum filiferum produce seeds?
I have a Graptopetalum filiferum. I found a seed on top of one of the plants and it resembles something like a cantelope melon seed-about 1/3" long, orange. Do these succulents produce seeds i...
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Lebanon, NH
Question about non-native false aralia (Schefflera elegantissima)
I have a False Aralia-8 stalks. Have had for a while and recently it has begun (and for the first time) dropping leaves. The stalks are getting pretty barren. I know the genreal care for the...
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Saco, ME
Wildflowers for leach field in Maine
I am looking for a wildflower mix that would suitable to plant over a leach field. What plants should I look to avoid?
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Randolph, VT
Identification of plant with orange sap that glows at night
I was just pulling up a plant and noticed that its sap was a kind of orange then I noticed it glowing orange at night. What kind of plant is this and is it dangerous?
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