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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Carlsbad, CA
Identification of tree in California
A medium-size tree with shiny green leaves toward the bottom and garnet red ones toward the top of the tree. The leaves are narrow with saw-toothed edges. There are clustered small white flowers with ...
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Carlsbad, CA
Shrubs to stabilize steep slope in California
Suggest shrubs to stabilize steep bank that are drought resistant and resistant to too much rain. Cape honeysuckle? oleander? bottle brush? What?
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Carlsbad, CA
Fast growing non-invasive flowering tree from Carlsbad CA
Looking for fast growing flowering tree with non-invasive roots.
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Oceanside, CA
Native plants to go between patio stones in Oceanside CA
Hello Mr. Smarty Plants! I live in Oceanside CA about 5 mi from the coast and have an about 20' sq private patio with "issues". Patio has with flagstones, one side all sun all day, middle area part...
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Oceanside, CA
Effect of herbicides on frogs
I live in a planned development adjacent to a natural waterway that contains native and non native plants. It also is an amphibian habitat with many frogs. The landscape manager has sprayed the ar...
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Oceanside, CA
Privacy screen for pool in California
Hi, We have new neighbors overlooking our pool and peering into our house. We want to put up a privacy screen along our back fence that runs the length of the pool, but the border running along the ...
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Oceanside, CA
Are berries from the Carrot Wood Tree toxic to animals?
Hello, I am trying to find out if the berries on the carrot wood tree are toxic to animals - dog?
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Vista, CA
Are palm tree seeds toxic?
Are palm tree seeds toxic to other plants? I have palm trees around my pool and it seems that nothing will grow very good where the old seeds are in the ground.
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Vista, CA
Need plants to grow between flagstones in Vista, CA.
Hi, I have put in a flagstone patio set in DG. The DG is creating a very sandy messy surface on the flagstone, so want to plant a low ground cover between the joints. Its a fairly large area, in sun...
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Vista, CA
Groundcover for erosion control
I live in southern california. What is the best groundcover to plant on a slope to prevent erosion?
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san marcos, CA
Photinia toxicity to dogs
is the photinia bush toxic to dogs??
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Bonsall, CA
Groundcover for Bonsall, CA
I live in Bonsall, CA. (San Diego) I have 3 acres, flat and sloped that are graded dirt. (DG and sheep poop from previous owner). It is getting close to mud season and I'd like to plant winter cover...
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Fallbrook, CA
Season to plant Pacific Wax Myrtle from Fallbrook CA
Would like to know which season would be the best to plant Pacific Wax Myrtle in Fallbrook, CA area? I presently have invading bamboo, which I want to get rid of. Thank you!
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Valley Center, CA
Plants that will grow under a magnolia tree.
We live in California near San Diego and have a Magnolia Tree. We have tried to plant many types of flowers around the tree only to have them die. Is there a particular type of plant that we should ...
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Poway, CA
Need Shade Trees for Entry in Poway, California
Hi - Our front door gets a lot of afternoon sun, so we'd like to plant a couple of shade trees near the entry way. Unfortunately we don't have much room between our entry path and the driveway, so...
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Poway, CA
Different kinds of plants living in subarctic areas
What are the different kinds of plants live in the subarctic areas?
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Pauma Valley, CA
Need fast growing shade tree in San Diego County, CA
I am looking for a fast growing tree that provides great shade. The reason being, is I need shade for three horseshoe pits and the sooner i get shade, the better. I live in San Diego county, zone 9b. ...
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San Clemente, CA
Trees & shrubs, low water, no maintenance, disease & pest resistant
We need few Trees and shrubs to meet the following needs: - Low Water or best with a taproot for Ground Water - Clay Soil in Steep Slopes (25-40 degrees) - Low or No Maintenance. (hillside, no trim...
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Temecula, CA
Water-wise plants for clay soil in southern California
My yard is clay. I'm removing turf to put in water-wise plants and bushes. I need some low growing bushes and medium height bushes that will grow in clay and that will stay green in the summer. Hopef...
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Temecula, CA
Problem with non-native bower vine (Pandorea jasminoides)
I live in Temecula, CA I have grown pink bower vines before with great success. I recently purchased 2 bower vines and planted them on each side of a trellis in full sun. They flower but do not grow...
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Temecula, CA
Privacy screen from Temecula CA
I live in Temecula and need a fast growing tree by our pool that is good to block neighbors house.
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