Wildflower Center Seed Bank
The Wildflower Center's Seed Bank was established in partnership with the Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) Seeds of Success (SOS) program in concert with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Millennium Seed Bank Program (MSBP). The purpose of the Seed Bank is to collect, conserve, and develop native plant materials for stabilizing, rehabilitating and restoring lands in Texas and the United States.
To request seed from the Wildflower Seed Bank, please contact the Seed Bank Curator.
Lobelia appendiculata
Lobelia appendiculata A. DC.
Pale Lobelia
Campanulaceae (Bellflower Family)USDA Symbol: LOAP
Accession Data
Accession Number: LBJWC-1028
Field Data Form: LBJWC-1028.pdfCollection Date: 2007-05-20
Accession Number: LBJWC-1028
Collection Number: 1028
Organization: LBJWC
Collector(s): Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Collected with: Ohlsson-Salmon, R.
Location Data
Country: USPhytoregion: 35E
Phytoregion_full: South Central Plains
State: Texas
County: Harrison
Municipality: Waskom
Location: 0.25 mile on west side of Leisure Lane, located in woods behind residence. Latitude: 32.475610
Longitude: -94.210330
Georeference Source: GPS
GPS Datum: WGS84 Altitude: 399 FT
Elevation in M: 121 land_owner: Texas Department of Transportation
Habitat Data
Associated Taxa: Parthenocissus sp., Toxicodendron radicans, Campsis radicans, Salvia lyrata, Erigeron sp., Pinus taeda, Gamochaeta sp., Quercus nigra, Dichanthelium sp.Slope: <5
Geology: Wilcox and Midway Groups
Soil Texture: Sandy clay, 10YR 5/4
Collection Data
Plants Sampled: 20 plants sampled.Population Size: 45
Specimen Notes: Ohlsson-Salmon, R. - LBJWC:In field:5-15-2007