Special Collections
East Central Texas Plains
This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 56 Texas counties. This ecoregion separates the two bands of the Texas Blackland Prairies ecoregion and extends just across the Oklahoma border. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Post Oak Savannah vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the East Central Texas Plains ecoregion.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Anemia mexicana | Mexican Fern Mexican Flowering Fern | |
Anagallis minima | Chaffweed | |
Antennaria parlinii | Parlin's Pussytoes Ladies' Tobacco | |
Antennaria parlinii ssp. fallax | Parlin's Pussytoes | |
Antennaria plantaginifolia | Woman's Tobacco Ladies' Tobacco Everlasting Mouse Ear Plantain-leaf Pussytoes | |
Anthaenantia rufa | Purple Silkyscale | |
Ancistrocactus scheeri | Scheer's Fishhook Cactus | |
Andropogon ternarius | Splitbeard Bluestem Split Bluestem | |
Anemone tuberosa | Tuber Anemone Desert Anemone | |
Andropogon virginicus | Broomsedge Broomsedge Bluestem Yellowsedge Bluestem Whiskey Grass Popotillo Pajon | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |