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Wild Plants In Flower--Wetlands And Quiet Waters Of The Midwest

Author(s): Korling, T.; A. M. Petty

Year: 2005

Publisher: Bloomington, Ind. : Quarry Books

ISBN: 0253217660

Subject: Natural History, Rare and Endangered, Wildflowers

Comments: From This lovely and thoughtful volume pays tribute to the native plants characteristically found in the Midwest’s quiet waters, as distinct from its flowing streams. While most of the species populate broad ranges, all are part of the familiar display that may greet a summer visitor to lakes and wet grounds in the Great Lakes region. Wild Plants in Flower—Wetlands and Quiet Waters of the Midwest features color photographs of 45 species; delightful and engaging species notes for each plant, its habitat, appearance, and range; and perceptive mini-essays that describe the evolution of wetlands and botanical plants and the dangers they face. This field guide will help nature lovers identify and treasure the delicate flora of upland swamp forests, floodplains, wet prairies, marshes, fens, and bogs, and perhaps help preserve their dwindling numbers.

Last Updated: 2007-01-01

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