Native Plants
National Suppliers Directory
This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Use the search options below to find help for your native plant needs or click here to add your business to the directory. Associates are providers of native plant services who offer Wildflower Center members a discount on merchandise or services. To qualify, at least 50% of an Associate's projects or inventory must use native plants.
Search suppliers:Crespo Consulting Services, Inc.
4131 Spicewood Springs Rd, B-2
Austin, TX 78759
Google Map
Region: Southwest
Phone: (512) 343-6404Fax: (512) 343-8120
Seed Company
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
Year Established: 1995
Number of Employees: 5-10
Native Plant Experience
Percent of projects or inventory using native plants: 25%
Consult on native plant projects
Track provenance (origin) of native plant materials
Associate Program
Belong to Wildflower Center Associate ProgramDescription: Crespo Consulting Services is both an engineering and environmental consulting firm. We have a multidisciplinary staff and distinguished record of helping the City of Austin with sensitive environmental issues, helping many entities in solving erosion control problems and in natural stream channel design. Bio-engineering describes how plant vegetation, soil characteristics and engineering analyses are combined by Crespo in its approach to solving drainage problems in aesthetically pleasing and sustainable ways. Often projects present a water quality and/or hydrologic component that require services from a Professional Engineer, but sometimes the P.E. does not understand interrelation of his services with the natural ecosystem. Crespo Consulting provides the necessary Engineering and hydrologic services alongside the botanical and ecological services.
Credentials: Crespo Consulting Services is unique in that its two botanists and one Certified Master Naturalist interlace their talents and perspective with that of the hydrologists and engineers. Our interests and experience encompass wetland restoration, streambank
Native plant source
Self-operated Nursery | |
Native Plant Society | |
Transplant from Wild | |
Contract Grower | |
Wild-collected Seed | |
Buy Commercial Seed | |
Other: work with nursery sources |
Consultant specialization
Prairie | |
Woodland | |
Freshwater | |
Saltwater | |
All Habitats | |
Other: |
Consultant services
Species Inventory | |
Site Assessments | |
Survey Natural Areas | |
Post Vegetation | |
Land Use | |
Restoration | |
Wetland | |
Other: |
Last Update: 2008-06-25
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