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NPIN: Suppliers - Sans Souci Gardens

National Suppliers Directory

This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Use the search options below to find help for your native plant needs or click here to add your business to the directory. Associates are providers of native plant services who offer Wildflower Center members a discount on merchandise or services. To qualify, at least 50% of an Associate's projects or inventory must use native plants.

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Sans Souci Gardens

6311 Maury Hollow
Austin, TX 78750
Google Map

Region: Southwest

Phone: (512) 346-6797

Goods & Services
Seed Company
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant

Year Established: 1993
Number of Employees: 1-5

Native Plant Experience

Percent of projects or inventory using native plants: 75%
Consult on native plant projects
Track provenance (origin) of native plant materials

Associate Program

Belong to Wildflower Center Associate Program

Discount to WFC Members: $25 off Initial Consultation

Description: Since 1993 Sans Souci Gardens landscaping projects have taken their cue from the land. Whether suburban fenced yard or townhouse patio, landscapes designs express a Central Texas sensibility assuring seasonal interest and color. Services: consultation, design, coaching, and maintenance advice each seek to provide the home gardener with common-sense tools to succeed in Austin's challenging soils and climate. Owner/designer Cathy Nordstrom, recently retired, is available on an hourly basis to assist as needed. Specialties: transition to low-maintenance landscape; landscape for wildlife; natural privacy screening and native buffers; phased lawn reduction; rain garden design.

Credentials: Former Coordinator of the City of Austin Grow Green Program. Member of Austin Energy Green Building Program. City of Austin Certified Green Garden Professional. City of Austin and State HUB certified contractor. eNature website Backyard Habitat expert. Ma

Landscape specialization

Large Corporate Grounds
Parkland/Open Space
Nature Centers and Preserves
Roadside Revegetation/Soil Stabilization
Industrial Projects

Landscape services

Garden design
Contract growing
Landscape architect
Site analysis
Land use
Maintenance plans

Last Update: 2017-10-08
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