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Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius

Psorothamnus arborescens (Torr. ex A. Gray) Barneby var. minutifolius (Parish) Barneby

Johnson's Indigobush

Fabaceae (Pea family)

Synonym(s): Dalea fremontii var. minutifolia


USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

"Habitally like P. a. var. arborescens, but more commonly glabrescent or glabrate, nevertheless sometimes densely gray-villosulous; old branches ashen or stramineous, usually much contorted and ligneous; hairs on leaf and calyx up to (0.2) 0.3-0.5 mm long, the foliage varying from bright yellowish-green to canescent." (bibref: 1812).


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Plant Characteristics

Duration: Perennial
Habit: Shrub
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Fruit Type: Legume
Size Notes: "3-10 dm tall." (bibref: 1812).
Leaf: "Leaves up to 3.5 (5.5) cm long, the leaflets loosely pubescent to glabrous, lanceolate to rhombic-ovate or -elliptic, obtuse or subacute, 3-13 (17) mm long, some at least 2.5 mm wide." (bibref: 1812).
Flower: "Flower a little smaller than that of P. a. var. arborescens, Calyx 5-6.8 mm long, the tube 3-4.2 mm, the teeth 1.8-3.7 mm long, calyx-tube glabrate or only minutely puberulent; petals either indigo blue or violet, the banner 7.6-9 mm, its claw 1.8-2.2 mm, its blade 6.4-7.2 mm long, 4-7.4 mm wide; keel 8.4-10.3 mm long, its blades 6.3-8.2 mm long, 3.5-4.8 mm wide." (bibref: 1812).
Fruit: "Pod obliquely ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, the subcompressed body 8-10 mm long, (3.6) 4-6 mm diameter, at least beyond the middle 2-carinate by the sutures, the convex valves charged with large, round or broadly elliptic blister-glands, between the glands glabrous, the ventral suture ciliolate; seed (4.7) 5-6 mm long." (bibref: 1812).

Bloom Information

Bloom Color: Blue , Violet
Bloom Time: Apr , May , Jun
Bloom Notes: "Petals either indigo blue or violet." (bibref: 1812).


Native Distribution: "Locally common through west-central and northern Mohave Desert, California, from northeastern Kern County (Rand and El Paso mountains) north to south Mono County (lower Owens Valley and near Benton), east to west-central San Bernardino County (Ord and Calico mountains, where overlapping and confluent with P. a. var. arborescens) and in Inyo County to Death Valley, thence extending across the Last Chance and Funeral ranges into the south point of Esmeralda and extreme southern Nye County, Nevada." (bibref: 1812).
Native Habitat: "Rocky and sandy desert hillsides, canyon-benches, sometimes on talus under cliffs, 150-1890 m (500- 6300 ft)." (bibref: 1812).

Additional resources

USDA: Find Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius in USDA Plants
FNA: Find Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Psorothamnus arborescens var. minutifolius


Record Modified: 2020-12-07
Research By: Joseph A. Marcus

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