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Nama demissum
Nama demissum A. Gray
Purplemat, Purple Mat
Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf Family)
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
Mats of slender, hairy stems, leafy toward ends and lying on ground, with several bell-shaped, deep pink to reddish-lavender flowers growing from leaf axils.
Nama in Greek means "a water spring." There are many species in the genus, both perennials and showy annuals, that carpet the desert floor with purple after adequate rainfall. Hispid Nama (N. hispidum), with erect, bushy-branched stems and very narrow leaves, is another low species common in deserts from southern California to western Texas and northern Mexico.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: AnnualHabit: Herb
Fruit Type: Capsule
Size Notes: Stems prostrate, up to about 8 inches long.
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: Pink , PurpleBloom Time: Mar , Apr , May
USA: AZ , CA , NV , UTNative Distribution: Southwestern Utah south to central Arizona, southeastern California, and northwestern Mexico.
Native Habitat: Desert flats and washes.
Web Reference
Webref 23 - Southwest Environmental Information Network (2009) SEINet - Arizona ChapterAdditional resources
USDA: Find Nama demissum in USDA PlantsFNA: Find Nama demissum in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Nama demissum
Record Modified: 2025-02-13Research By: TWC Staff