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Magnolia macrophylla
Magnolia macrophylla Michx.
Bigleaf Magnolia
Magnoliaceae (Magnolia Family)
USDA Symbol: MAMA2
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
The tree with the largest flowers and the largest leaves of all native North American species (except for tropical palms) and a broad, rounded crown of stout, spreading branches. Big-leaf magnolia is a round-headed giant usually reaching 30-40 ft. in height. Flowers are creamy-white, 8-14 in. across, solitary and fragrant, followed by egg-shaped, rose-colored fruits. Deciduous leaves are extremely large, up to 1 ft. wide and 3 ft. long.
Planted as an ornamental north to Massachusetts. However, in windy places the giant leaves become torn and unsightly. The "queenliest of all the deciduous magnolias" was named by the French naturalist and explorer Andre Michaux (1746-1802), who discovered this rare local tree near Charlotte, North Carolina in 1789.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: PerennialHabit: Tree
Leaf Retention: Deciduous
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Leaf Venation: Pinnate
Leaf Margin: Entire
Breeding System: Flowers Bisexual
Fruit Type: Aggregate , Follicle
Size Notes: Up to about 100 feet tall, often shorter.
Fruit: Cone-like aggregated follicles.
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: WhiteBloom Time: May , Jun
USA: AL , AR , DC , GA , KY , LA , MD , MS , NC , OH , SC , TN , VA , WVNative Distribution: Interrupted distribution from w. FL to LA, n. to VA, KY & AR
Native Habitat: Bottomland woods, rich wooded slopes, alluvial woods, piedmont
Growing Conditions
Light Requirement: Part ShadeSoil Description: Rich, acid soils.
Conditions Comments: Protection from wind helps to preserve the huge leaves.
Description: Fresh seed sown in fall; stratified seed; semi-hardwood cuttings taken in summerSeed Collection: When ripe, the seeds are bright red, fleshy, oily, soft on the outside and stony on the inside. Gather when ripe. Clean and store in moist sand or sphagnum moss in refrigerator. Cold, moist storage also serves at stratification.
Seed Treatment: Stored seed must be kept moist and cool which will also serve as stratification. Stratify at least 60 days.
Commercially Avail: yes
From the National Organizations Directory
According to the species list provided by Affiliate Organizations, this plant is on display at the following locations:Texas Discovery Gardens - Dallas, TX
Delaware Nature Society - Hockessin, DE
Crosby Arboretum - Picayune, MS
Georgia Native Plant Society - Atlanta, GA
Mt. Cuba Center - Hockessin, DE
Bibref 1620 - Gardening with Native Plants of the South (Reprint Edition) (2009) Wasowski, S. with A. WasowskiSearch More Titles in Bibliography
Web Reference
Webref 3 - Flora of North America (2014) Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.Additional resources
USDA: Find Magnolia macrophylla in USDA PlantsFNA: Find Magnolia macrophylla in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Magnolia macrophylla
Record Modified: 2022-09-23Research By: TWC Staff