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Astrophytum asterias (Star cactus)
Clippard, Lee

Astrophytum asterias

Astrophytum asterias (Zucc.) Lem.

Star Cactus, Sand Dollar Cactus, Sea Urchin Cactus, Star Peyote

Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Synonym(s): Echinocactus asterias

USDA Symbol: ASAS6

USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

Plants usually solitary, hemispheric, dark green, speckled with tiny white hair tufts and larger white or grayish areoles.

This species superficially resembles Peyote, Lophophora williamsii, another cactus taxon.

Star Cactus is a federally-listed Endangered species.


From the Image Gallery

2 photo(s) available in the Image Gallery

Plant Characteristics

Duration: Perennial
Habit: Cactus/Succulent
Breeding System: Flowers Bisexual
Size Notes: Plant depressed-spheric in shape, to about 2-1/2" tall and 6" in diameter.
Fruit: Berrylike.

Bloom Information

Bloom Color: Red , Orange , Yellow
Bloom Time: Mar , Apr , May , Jun
Bloom Notes: Flower tepals are ochreous, usually red or orange proximally.


Native Distribution: TX & n. MX. Only known extant US population is in Starr County, TX.
Native Habitat: Rocky ground in Tamaulipan Thornscrub vegetation areas.

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Threatened & Endangered Status

USFWS Species Profile: Q07V
Status: Endangered
Historic Range: U.S.A. (TX), Mexico
Critical Habitat: N/A
Special Rules: N/A
This information is derived from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Serrvice Environmental Conservation Online System.

Additional resources

USDA: Find Astrophytum asterias in USDA Plants
FNA: Find Astrophytum asterias in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Astrophytum asterias


Record Modified: 2018-06-12
Research By: Joseph A. Marcus

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