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scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Coreopsis grandiflora var. grandiflora | Largeflower Tickseed | |
Coreopsis grandiflora var. harveyana | Largeflower Tickseed | |
Coreopsis grandiflora var. inclinata | Ketona Tickseed Largeflower Tickseed | |
Coreopsis grandiflora var. saxicola | Rock Largeflower Tickseed Largeflower Tickseed | |
Corchorus hirtus | Orinoco Jute Hairy Jute Red Jute | |
Coreopsis lanceolata | Lanceleaf Coreopsis Lance-leaved Coreopsis Lanceleaf Tickseed Sand Coreopsis | |
Coreopsis leavenworthii | Leavenworth's Tickseed Common Tickseed | |
Coreopsis linifolia | Texas Tickseed | |
Coreopsis major | Greater Tickseed Major Coreopsis | |
Corydalis micrantha | Smallflower Fumewort Southern Corydalis Golden Corydalis | |
Corydalis micrantha ssp. australis | Smallflower Fumewort | |
Coreopsis nudata | Georgia Tickseed Swamp Coreopsis | |
Cotinus obovatus | American Smoke Tree Texas Smoke Tree Wild Smoke Tree Smoke Tree Smokebush Chittamwood | |
Corallorhiza odontorhiza | Autumn Coralroot Late Coralroot Fall Coral Root Late Southern Coral Root Small Coral Root Small-flowered Coral Root Chicken Toe Turkey Claw Dragon's Claw Fever Root Crawley Root Crawley | |
Corallorhiza odontorhiza var. odontorhiza | Autumn Coral Root Autumn Coralroot Fall Coral-root Small-flowered Coral-root | |
Coreopsis palmata | Stiff Tickseed Stiff Coreopsis Finger Coreopsis | |
Coreopsis pubescens | Star Tickseed Hairy Tickseed | |
Coreopsis pulchra | Woodland Tickseed Showy Tickseed Beautiful Tickseed | |
Coreopsis pubescens var. debilis | Star Tickseed | |
Coreopsis pubescens var. pubescens | Star Tickseed Hairy Tickseed | |
Coreopsis pubescens var. robusta | Star Tickseed | |
Conyza ramosissima | Dwarf Horseweed Dwarf Fleabane | |
Coelorachis rugosa | Wrinkled Joint-tail Grass Wrinkled Jointgrass Wrinkled Jointtail Grass | |
Collinsonia serotina | Blue Ridge Horsebalm Anise-scented Horsebalm | |
Corchorus siliquosus | Slippery Burr Broomweed Slippery Burr Broomweed Slippery-burr | |
Coelorachis tessellata | Checkered Jointtail Grass Lattice Joint-tail Grass Pitted Jointgrass | |
Coreopsis tinctoria | Plains Coreopsis Golden Tickseed Goldenwave Calliopsis | |
Coreopsis tinctoria var. tinctoria | Golden Tickseed Golden-wave | |
Coreopsis tripteris | Tall Tickseed Tall Coreopsis | |
Coelorachis tuberculosa | Bumpy Jointtail Grass Florida Joint-tail Grass Smooth Jointgrass | |
Collinsonia tuberosa | Deepwoods Horsebalm Richweed Stoneroot | |
Comandra umbellata | Bastard Toadflax | |
Comandra umbellata ssp. umbellata | Bastard Toadflax | |
Collinsonia verticillata | Stoneroot | |
Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis Whorled Tickseed Whorled Coreopsis | |
Commelina virginica | Virginia Dayflower | |
Corallorhiza wisteriana | Spring Coral-root Spring Coral Root Early Southern Coral-root Wister's Coral-root Yellow Coral-root Arousing Coral-root Spring Coralroot | |
Crataegus aestivalis | Mayhaw May Hawthorn | |
Croton alabamensis | Alabama Croton | |
Croton alabamensis var. alabamensis | Alabama Croton | |
Crinum americanum | American Crinum Lily Seven Sisters Swamp Lily Southern Swamp Lily String Lily Crinum Lily | |
Crataegus annosa | Phoenix City Hawthorn | |
Crataegus ancisa | Mississippi Hawthorn | |
Crassula aquatica | Water Pygmyweed | |
Croton argyranthemus | Healing Croton | |
Crataegus arborea | Montgomery Hawthorn | |
Crataegus arrogans | Dixie Hawthorn | |
Crataegus austromontana | Valley Head Hawthorn | |
Crataegus berberifolia | Barberry Hawthorn | |
Crataegus brachyacantha | Blueberry Haw Blueberry Hawthorn Hoghaw Pomette Bleue | |
Crataegus calpodendron | Pear Hawthorn Late Hawthorn Pear Haw Pear Thorn | |
Croton capitatus | Hogwort Texas Goatweed | |
Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort Wild Chervil | |
Croton capitatus var. capitatus | Hogwort Woolly Croton | |
Croton capitatus var. lindheimeri | Woolly Croton Lindheimer's Hogwort Woolly Texas Goatweed Woolly Doveweed | |
Crataegus chrysocarpa | Fireberry Hawthorn | |
Crataegus crus-galli | Cockspur Hawthorn Cockspur Thorn Newcastle Hawthorn Newcastle Thorn Hog Apple | |
Croptilon divaricatum | Slender Scratchdaisy Scratch Daisy Granite Daisy | |
Croton elliottii | Elliott's Croton Pondshore Croton | |
Crataegus flabellata | Fanleaf Hawthorn | |
Crataegus flava | Yellowleaf Hawthorn Yellow-leaf Hawthorn Summer Hawthorn | |
Croton glandulosus | Tooth-leaved Croton Sand Croton Tropic Croton Vente Conmigo | |
Croton glandulosus var. septentrionalis | Vente Conmigo | |
Crataegus harbisonii | Harbison Hawthorn Harbison's Hawthorn | |
Crataegus ignave | Bedford Springs Hawthorn | |
Crataegus insidiosa | Ozark Hawthorn | |
Crataegus inanis | Oldmaid Hawthorn | |
Crataegus intricata | Copenhagen Hawthorn Thicket Hawthorn White Hawthorn White Thorn Scarlet Hawthorn Scarlet Haw Scarlet-fruited Hawthorn Scarlet-fruited Haw | |
Crataegus iracunda | Passionate Hawthorn Stolonbearing Hawthorn | |
Crassula longipes | Smallseed Pygmyweed | |
Crataegus marshallii | Parsley Hawthorn Parsleyleaf Hawthorn | |
Crataegus mendosa | Albertville Hawthorn | |
Crataegus meridionalis | Gallion Hawthorn | |
Croton michauxii | Michaux's Croton | |
Croton michauxii var. ellipticus | Michaux's Croton | |
Croton michauxii var. michauxii | Michaux's Croton | |
Crataegus mollis | Downy Hawthorn White Thorn Whitethorn Scarlet Hawthorn Scarlet Haw Red Haw Downy Thorn | |
Croton monanthogynus | Prairie Tea One-seed Croton Doveweed Dove Weed Prairie Goatweed | |
Crataegus opaca | Mayhaw Western Mayhaw May Hawthorn Riverflat Hawthorn Applehaw May Haw | |
Croomia pauciflora | Croomia | |
Crataegus penita | Great Smoky Mountain Hawthorn | |
Crataegus phaenopyrum | Washington Hawthorn Washington-thorn | |
Crataegus pinetorum | Pineland Hawthorn | |
Crataegus punctata | Dotted Hawthorn White Thorn Dotted Haw | |
Crotalaria purshii | Pursh's Rattlebox | |
Croton punctatus | Gulf Croton | |
Crataegus pulcherrima | Beautiful Hawthorn | |
Crataegus rigens | Gadsden Hawthorn | |
Crotalaria rotundifolia | Rabbitbells | |
Crataegus sargentii | Sargent Hawthorn Sargent's Hawthorn | |
Crotalaria sagittalis | Arrowhead Rattlebox | |
Crataegus spathulata | Littlehip Hawthorn Pasture Hawthorn Smallfruit Hawthorn | |
Croton texensis | Texas Croton Doveweed Texas Goatweed | |
Croton texensis var. texensis | Skunkweed Texas Croton | |
Crataegus triflora | Three-flower Hawthorn Threeflower Hawthorn | |
Crataegus uniflora | Dwarf Hawthorn One-flowered Hawthorn | |
Crataegus versuta | Johnny Reb Hawthorn | |
Crataegus viridis | Green Hawthorn Southern Hawthorn | |
Crataegus viridis var. viridis | Green Hawthorn | |
Crataegus vulsa | Alabama Hawthorn | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |