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scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Arabis georgiana | Georgia Rockcress | |
Arundinaria gigantea | Giant Cane River Cane Switch Cane American Bamboo | |
Arabis laevigata | Smooth Rockcress | |
Arenaria lanuginosa | Spreading Sandwort | |
Aristida lanosa | Woollysheath Threeawn Woolly Three-awn | |
Arabis laevigata var. laevigata | Smooth Rockcress | |
Arenaria lanuginosa ssp. lanuginosa | Spreading Sandwort | |
Arenaria lanuginosa var. lanuginosa | Spreading Sandwort | |
Aristida longespica | Slimspike Threeawn Kearney's Three-awn Red Three-awn Slender Three-awn | |
Aristida longespica var. geniculata | Slimspike Three-awn Slimspike Threeawn | |
Aristida longespica var. longespica | Slimspike Threeawn Red Three-awn Slimspike Three-awn | |
Aristolochia macrophylla | Pipevine Dutchman's Pipe | |
Argemone mexicana | Mexican Prickly Poppy Mexican Prickly Poppy Yellow Prickly Poppy | |
Aronia melanocarpa | Black Chokeberry | |
Aristida mohrii | Mohr's Three-awn Mohr's Threeawn | |
Aristida oligantha | Prairie Threeawn Oldfield (Prairie) 3-awn Oldfield Threeawn | |
Arnoglossum ovatum | Ovateleaf Cacalia | |
Arabis patens | Spreading Rockcress | |
Aristida palustris | Longleaf Three-awn Longleaf Threeawn | |
Arnoglossum plantagineum | Groovestem Indian Plantain Indian Plantain Prairie Plantain Prairie Indian Plantain | |
Photinia floribunda | Purple Chokeberry Red Chokeberry | |
Aristida purpurascens | Arrowfeather Threeawn | |
Aristida purpurascens var. purpurascens | Arrowfeather Threeawn | |
Aristida purpurascens var. tenuispica | Arrowfeather Threeawn Hillsboro Threeawn Hillsborough Threeawn | |
Aristida purpurascens var. virgata | Arrowfeather Three-awn Arrowfeather Threeawn | |
Aralia racemosa | American Spikenard | |
Aralia racemosa ssp. racemosa | American Spikenard | |
Arnoglossum reniforme | Great Indian Plantain | |
Aristolochia serpentaria | Virginia Snakeroot Virginia Dutchmanspipe | |
Arabis shortii | Short's False Rockcress Short's Rock Cress Short's Rockcress | |
Aristida simpliciflora | Southern Three-awn Southern Threeawn | |
Aralia spinosa | Devil's Walking Stick Hercules Club Angelica Tree Pigeon Tree Shotbush Prickly Elder Prickly Ash | |
Aristida spiciformis | Bottlebrush Three-awn Bottlebrush Threeawn | |
Aristida stricta | Pineland Threeawn Wiregrass | |
Arnoglossum sulcatum | Georgia Indian Plantain | |
Arundinaria tecta | Switch Cane | |
Aristolochia tomentosa | Pipevine Woolly Dutchman's Pipe Common Dutchman's Pipe | |
Arisaema triphyllum | Jack In The Pulpit Indian Jack In The Pulpit Jack-in-the-pulpit | |
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. pusillum | Jack In The Pulpit | |
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. quinatum | Five-leaved Jack-in-the-pulpit Jack In The Pulpit Indian Turnip | |
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum | Jack In The Pulpit | |
Aristida tuberculosa | Seaside Threeawn Seaside Three-awn Beach Needlegrass | |
Asplenium abscissum | Cutleaf Spleenwort Abscised Spleenwort | |
Asclepias amplexicaulis | Clasping Milkweed Bluntleaf Milkweed | |
Asimina angustifolia | Slimleaf Pawpaw | |
Asplenium ×boydstoniae | Boydston's Spleenwort Spleenwort | |
Asplenium bradleyi | Bradley's Spleenwort | |
Asarum canadense | Canadian Wild Ginger Wild Ginger | |
Astragalus canadensis | Canadian Milkvetch Canada Milkvetch Milk Vetch | |
Astragalus canadensis var. canadensis | Canadian Milkvetch | |
Asclepias cinerea | Carolina Milkweed | |
Asclepias connivens | Largeflower Milkweed | |
Asplenium ×ebenoides | Scott's Spleenwort Dragontail Fern | |
Asclepias exaltata | Poke Milkweed | |
Asplenium ×gravesii | Graves Spleenwort | |
Asplenium ×heteroresiliens | Morzenti's Spleenwort Marl Spleenwort Carolina Spleenwort Wagner's Spleenwort | |
Asclepias hirtella | Green Milkweed Tall Green Milkweed | |
Asclepias humistrata | Pinewoods Milkweed Sandhill Milkweed | |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed Pink Milkweed | |
Astrolepis integerrima | Hybrid Cloakfern | |
Astranthium integrifolium | Entireleaf Western Daisy | |
Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata | Swamp Milkweed | |
Astranthium integrifolium ssp. integrifolium | Entireleaf Western Daisy | |
Asclepias lanceolata | Fewflower Milkweed Few-flower Milkweed Red Milkweed | |
Asclepias longifolia | Longleaf Milkweed | |
Asclepias michauxii | Michaux's Milkweed | |
Astragalus michauxii | Sandhills Milkvetch | |
Asplenium monanthes | Single-sorus Spleenwort Single-sorus Fern | |
Asplenium montanum | Mountain Spleenwort | |
Asclepias obovata | Pineland Milkweed | |
Asimina parviflora | Smallflower Pawpaw Small-flower Pawpaw Dwarf Pawpaw | |
Asclepias perennis | White Swamp Milkweed Aquatic Milkweed | |
Asplenium pinnatifidum | Lobed Spleenwort | |
Asplenium platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort | |
Asplenium platyneuron var. bacculum-rubrum | Ebony Spleenwort | |
Asplenium platyneuron var. platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort | |
Asclepias quadrifolia | Fourleaf Milkweed | |
Asplenium resiliens | Blackstem Spleenwort | |
Asplenium rhizophyllum | Walking Fern | |
Asclepias rubra | Red Milkweed Tall Pink Bog Milkweed | |
Asplenium ruta-muraria | Wallrue | |
Asplenium ruta-muraria var. cryptolepis | American Wall Rue Wallrue | |
Asplenium scolopendrium | Hart's Tongue Fern Hart's Tonguefern Hart's-tongue | |
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum | American Hart's-tongue Fern | |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed | |
Astragalus tennesseensis | Tennessee Milkvetch | |
Asclepias tomentosa | Tuba Milkweed | |
Asimina triloba | Pawpaw Common Pawpaw Custard Apple Indian Banana Wild Banana | |
Asplenium ×trudellii | Trudell's Spleenwort | |
Asplenium trichomanes | Maidenhair Spleenwort | |
Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes | Maidenhair Spleenwort | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Asplenium tutwilerae | Tutwiler's Spleenwort | |
Asclepias tuberosa ssp. rolfsii | Rolfs' Milkweed | |
Asclepias variegata | Redring Milkweed White-flowered Milkweed | |
Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed Eastern Whorled Milkweed | |
Asclepias viridiflora | Green Comet Milkweed Green-flowered Milkweed Green Milkweed Wand Milkweed | |
Asclepias viridis | Green Milkweed Spider Milkweed | |
Astragalus villosus | Bearded Milkvetch | |
Asclepias viridula | Southern Milkweed | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |