The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center image collection was created in 1984 through the cooperative efforts of plant ecologist Katherine Kennedy and volunteer Betty Scace. Together they did the initial research on slide collection development and management, with the help of Nancy Schuller, slide librarian for the Art History Department of The University of Texas at Austin.
Image Data
The image database contains the following fields of information:
Botanical Name
Scientific Name (including author’s citation)
Common Name(s)
Plant Family
USDA Symbol
Photographer: Photographer name
City: Where image was taken (if provided)
County: Where image was taken (if provided)
State: Where image was taken
Location Notes: Comments on location
Accession Date: When image was published
File Name: Unique file name of image
Slide Index: Photographer’s file name for the image
Restrictions: Whether use is unrestricted or restricted to NPIN only
Collection ID: LBJWC Slide Library
Original Format: 35 MM, digital image or art
Orientation: Portrait or landscape
Shot: A description of the subject of the image
Date Taken: Date the photograph was taken
Verified: Whether image ID has been verified
By: Who verified the image
Date: When image was verified
All images are donations. Each photographer has signed a release form allowing use of their images, with credit to him or her and the Center, indicating restrictions on use, if any. Release forms, correspondence, and any biographical information on photographers are kept on file permanently.
Taxonomic and Geographic Status
The detail page for each image in the gallery is linked to the USDA Plants Database allowing the user to check the Taxonomic and Geographic Status of each species. All images published in the NPIN Image Gallery are native to the U.S. or Canada.
Image Use and Acquisition
Images are used for Wildflower Center programs, publications and research. To request a high resolution image for publication, please refer to the Image Use Policy and the Image Request Form.
Many volunteers and staff have helped to build and develop the slide collection over the years. Special thanks to Janice Charnley, Susan Richter, Barbara Medford, Charmaine Richardson, Emil Lazzeri, Hannah and Rachel Waitt, and Stephen Bruegerhoff for their help with image processing and data verification.