If you’ve lost something, please report it by using our form below.

Please be detailed in describing the item you have lost so we can tell your keys, for example, from other sets of keys. Details that are helpful include brand name, color, size, shape, model number, quantity, material (leather, plastic, fabric, metal, etc.), size, special features, tags or labels, and so on.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • 200 word limit


Items Maintained in Lost and Found:

  • Books, notebooks and planners
  • Sunglasses, prescription eyewear
  • Cellphones
  • Books
  • Keys
  • Jewelry
  • Backpacks
  • Music devices/headphones
  • Sports equipment
  • Computer equipment
  • Other miscellaneous items

Please note: Items that present a sanitation risk, such as soiled items or food and drink containers, are typically discarded. Clothing, including coats and jackets, are also not accepted.

Unclaimed items are maintained for 30 days before disposal. Data sensitive materials are destroyed if unclaimed. All other unclaimed items are given away or discarded.