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Taxonomy of Apiastrum, Ammoselinum, and Spermolepis (Apiaceae)

Author(s): Nesom, G.L.

Month: 9
Year: 2012

Publication Type: Journal article
Journal: Phytoneuron
Volume: 87
Pages: 1-49

Article Topic(s): Apiastrum, Ammoselinum, Spermolepis, Apiaceae, inflorescence architecture
Location: North America

Species Referenced: Spermolepis lateriflora (Western bristly scaleseed),


A taxonomic summary is given for the three closely related and primarily North American genera Apiastrum (1 species), Ammoselinum (3 species), and Spermolepis (11 species). Apiastrum includes the single species A. angustifolium, which occurs in California, Baja California, and Baja California Sur. Ammoselinum includes A. rosengurtii (endemic to Uruguay) and the North American A. butleri and A. popei. Spermolepis includes one species endemic to the Hawaiian Islands––S. hawaiiensis, one species endemic to Argentina––S. castellanosii, and nine species native to North America: S. echinata, S. inermis, Spermolepis organensis Nesom, sp. nov. (Dona Ana Co., New Mexico), Spermolepis laevis Nesom, sp. nov. (central Texas to south-central Oklahoma), S. divaricata, Spermolepis (Leptocaulis) diffusa (Nutt. ex DC.) Nesom, comb. nov., Spermolepis (Ammoselinum) gigantea (Coulter & Rose) Nesom, comb. nov., Spermolepis lateriflora Nesom, sp. nov. (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Chihuahua, and Sonora), and Spermolepis infernensis Nesom, sp. nov. (San Diego Co., California). Species descriptions and keys to the genera and species are provided and a discussion of inflorescence architecture points out distinctions within and among the genera; most of the species are illustrated by photos of specimens. An epitype is designated for Spermolepis hawaiiensis; lectotypes are designated for Apiastrum latifolium (a synonym of Apiastrum angustifolium), Ammoselinum popei, Ammoselinum castellanosii, Ammoselinum sect. Hesperoselinum, the genus Leptocaulis (a synonym of Spermolepis), and Spermolepis (Leptocaulis) diffusa.albida, D. gattingeri, D. mountjoyae, D. foliosa and D. cahaba. The dichotomous key and descriptions we present are modifications from earlier authors; however, all measurements are based on morphological features of the vegetative and reproductive structures of the more than 300 Alabama specimens studied during this project. Data for the county-level distribution maps were compiled entirely from herbarium vouchers.

Suggested Citation

Nesom, G.L. 2012. Taxonomy of Apiastrum, Ammoselinum, and Spermolepis (Apiaceae). Phytoneuron 2012-87: 1–49. Published 19 September 2012. ISSN 2153 733X

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ISSN: 2153 733X
Last Updated: 2021-03-30
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