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Can inconspicuous legumes facilitate alien grass invasions? Partridge peas and fountain grass in Hawai'i

Author(s): D. A. Carino and C. C. Daehler

Month: Feb
Year: 2002

Journal: Ecography
Volume: 25
Issue: 1
Pages: 33-41

Article Topic(s): Competition,Invasive species,Nutrients,Water
Research Setting(s): Field,Greenhouse

Species Referenced: Chamaecrista nictitans (Sensitive partridge pea),


The leguminous annual Chamaecrista nictitans was often associated with the invasive C4 grass Pennisetum setaceum in Hawaiian grasslands. A greenhouse study demonstrated that P. setaceum seedlings planted under Heteropogon contortus canopies grew 60x faster on a biomass basis at high nitrogen levels than at low nitrogen levels, eventually exceeding the biomass of H. contortus. Chamaecrista nictitans did not directly facilitate P. setaceum growth, thus it is believed that the elevation of soil nitrogen associated with C. nictitans annual die-offs facilitates establishment of the invasive P. setaceum.

Suggested Citation

D. A. Carino and C. C. Daehler. "Can inconspicuous legumes facilitate alien grass invasions? Partridge peas and fountain grass in Hawai'i." Ecography 25.1 (2002): 33-41.

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