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Callirhoe leiocarpa

Callirhoe leiocarpa R.F. Martin

Tall Poppymallow, Annual Winecup, Tall Poppy-mallow, Tall Poppy Mallow

Malvaceae (Mallow Family)

USDA Symbol: CALE2
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

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Specimen & Label Data

Callirhoe leiocarpa

Wine-Cup, Poppy Mallow


Location: Eastern base of the hill west of the town homes on South Oakwell Farms Pky--Oakwell Farms.
Latitude: 0.000000

Habitat: Half shade. Damp, rocky, alkaline soil.

Description: 120 cm, erect, slim annual. Taproot slender, 9 cm long. Upper leaves more deeply 3-parted & with narrower lobes than lower ones. Peduncles to 85 cm. Sepals of fruiting calyx 4x10 mm, joined below middle, persistent. Carpels 10, carpel beaks protrude above body and are large and hollow. Petals about 2 cm long, red-purple, erose at summit.

County: Bexar
Collector: Harry Cliffe
Collection Date: May 28, 1987
Specimen number: 183

Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0413
Accession Date: Jun 27, 1993
Accession Number: 32

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