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Digital Herbaria

Aloysia gratissima

Aloysia gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Troncoso

Whitebrush, Bee-brush, White-brush, Common Bee-brush, Beebrush, Privet Lippia

Verbenaceae (Verbena Family)

USDA Symbol: ALGR2
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

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Specimen & Label Data

Aloysia gratissima

White Brush


Location: Cadillac Drive, Churchill Estates
Latitude: 0.000000

Description: A shrub with small white flowers, fragrant

County: Bexar
Collector: Judith C. Berry
Collection Date: Sept. 20, 1990
Specimen number: 52

Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0032
Accession Date: April 29, 1991
Accession Number: 4

Annotations: SCFXB

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