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Image Gallery

Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,847 plant images. We have listened to our users and made it even easier to find images in this updated version of the image gallery. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


Machaeranthera tanacetifolia

Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (Kunth) Nees

Tahoka Daisy, Tansy-aster, Tansey-leaf Tansy-aster, Tansyleaf Tansyaster

Asteraceae (Aster Family)

USDA Symbol: mata2

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)

NPIN Image Id: 15816
NPIN Image Id: 20754
NPIN Image Id: 20755
NPIN Image Id: 23206
NPIN Image Id: 23207
NPIN Image Id: 26005
NPIN Image Id: 31319
NPIN Image Id: 31320
NPIN Image Id: 31321
NPIN Image Id: 60261
NPIN Image Id: 80510
NPIN Image Id: 80512
NPIN Image Id: 80513
NPIN Image Id: 80514
NPIN Image Id: 80516
NPIN Image Id: 81238
NPIN Image Id: 81239
NPIN Image Id: 81240
NPIN Image Id: 81241
NPIN Image Id: 81243
NPIN Image Id: 81246
NPIN Image Id: 85578
NPIN Image Id: 85579
NPIN Image Id: 85580
NPIN Image Id: 10647
NPIN Image Id: 10649
NPIN Image Id: 10932
NPIN Image Id: 10933
NPIN Image Id: 10934
NPIN Image Id: 10935
NPIN Image Id: 13490
NPIN Image Id: 13491
NPIN Image Id: 13492
NPIN Image Id: 13493
NPIN Image Id: 13720
NPIN Image Id: 13817
NPIN Image Id: 13818
NPIN Image Id: 20175
NPIN Image Id: 20176
NPIN Image Id: 20177
NPIN Image Id: 20178
NPIN Image Id: 20179
NPIN Image Id: 20180
NPIN Image Id: 20757
NPIN Image Id: 23208
NPIN Image Id: 27045
NPIN Image Id: 39656
NPIN Image Id: 39657
NPIN Image Id: 80509
NPIN Image Id: 80511
NPIN Image Id: 80515
NPIN Image Id: 81242
NPIN Image Id: 81244
NPIN Image Id: 81245
NPIN Image Id: 85581
NPIN Image Id: 87568
NPIN Image Id: 90309

Additional resources

USDA: Find Machaeranthera tanacetifolia images in USDA Plants
Google: Search Google Images for Machaeranthera tanacetifolia