Native Plants
Image Gallery
Leander, Bruce
Toting tripod and a camera bag, Bruce Leander is a familiar site at the Wildflower Center. He got interested in botanical photography in his wife's garden-she is a master gardener and a regular contributor to Texas Gardener magazine. "We loved the Wildflower Center, and I thought perhaps they could use my photography to help communicate what a special place it is and how fortunate we are to have it right here in Austin," Bruce said. "Meanwhile, I'm having a great time and learning a lot about native plants and all the creatures I see here."The Wildflower Center staff are grateful for our relationship with Bruce and for his contributions of his magnificent fine art photographs, which are used for exhibits as well as enhancing the Native Plants of North America (NPONA) image database.
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Ranunculus macranthus | Large Buttercup | |
Ranunculus macranthus | Large Buttercup | |
Ratibida peduncularis | Naked Mexican Hat Naked Prairie Coneflower | |
Rhynchospora corniculata | Shortbristle Horned Beaksedge Horned Beakrush | |
Rhynchospora colorata | Whitetop Sedge White-topped Sedge Starrush Whitetop Star Sedge Star Rush | |
Rhynchospora colorata | Whitetop Sedge White-topped Sedge Starrush Whitetop Star Sedge Star Rush | |
Rhynchospora glomerata | Clustered Beaksedge Cluster Beak-rush | |
Rhus lanceolata | Prairie Flameleaf Sumac Flameleaf Sumac Prairie Sumac Lance-leaf Sumac Lance-leaved Sumac Texas Sumac Tree Sumac Limestone Sumac Prairie Shining Sumac | |
Rhynchosia minima | Least Snoutbean | |
Rhynchosida physocalyx | Bladderpod Sida Buffpetal Beaked Sida | |
Rhynchosida physocalyx | Bladderpod Sida Buffpetal Beaked Sida | |
Rhynchospora recognita | Globe Beaksedge | |
Rhus virens | Evergreen Sumac Tobacco Sumac Lambrisco Lentrisco | |
Rivina humilis | Pigeonberry Rouge Plant Baby-peppers Bloodberry | |
Rosa foliolosa | White Prairie Rose Leafy Rose | |
Rumex chrysocarpus | Amamastla | |
Rumex chrysocarpus | Amamastla | |
Rumex chrysocarpus | Amamastla | |
Ruellia drummondiana | Drummond's Ruellia Drummond's Wild Petunia | |
Rudbeckia grandiflora | Rough Coneflower Tall Coneflower Largeflower Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia scabrifolia | Roughleaf Coneflower Sabine Coneflower Bog Brown-eyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia texana | Texas Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia texana | Texas Coneflower | |
Rubus trivialis | Southern Dewberry Dewberry | |
Salvia azurea var. grandiflora | Pitcher Sage Blue Sage | |
Saururus cernuus | Lizard's Tail Lizard Tail Breastweed Water Dragon | |
Salvia farinacea | Mealy Blue Sage Mealy Sage Mealycup Sage | |
Saccharum giganteum | Sugarcane Plumegrass Giant Plumegrass | |
Saccharum giganteum | Sugarcane Plumegrass Giant Plumegrass | |
Saccharum giganteum | Sugarcane Plumegrass Giant Plumegrass | |
Salvia lyrata | Lyreleaf Sage Cancer Weed | |
Sabal mexicana | Texas Palm Texas Palmetto Mexican Palm Mexican Palmetto Rio Grande Palmetto Victoria Palmetto Palma De Micharos Apachite | |
Salvia pentstemonoides | Big Red Sage Penstemon Sage | |
Sagittaria platyphylla | Delta Arrowhead | |
Salvia reflexa | Mintweed Lanceleaf Sage Lamb's-leaf Sage Rocky Mountain Sage Sage Mint Blue Sage | |
Salvia roemeriana | Cedar Sage | |
Salvia whitehousei | Clustered Sage | |
Schaefferia cuneifolia | Desert Yaupon | |
Schkuhria pinnata var. guatemalensis | Wislizenus' False Threadleaf | |
Schkuhria pinnata var. guatemalensis | Wislizenus' False Threadleaf | |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem Popotillo Azul | |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem Popotillo Azul | |
Scutellaria wrightii | Wright's Skullcap Bushy Skullcap Shrubby Skullcap | |
Senna bauhinioides | Twinleaf Senna Twinleaf | |
Sesbania drummondii | Rattlebush Rattlebox Poisonbean | |
Selenia grandis | Large Selenia | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna roemeriana | Twoleaf Senna Two Leaved Senna | |
Setaria scheelei | Southwestern Bristlegrass Scheele's Bristlegrass Scheele's Foxtail Grass Foxtail Grass | |
Senegalia wrightii | Wright Acacia Wright's Acacia Catclaw Acacia Catclaw | |
Senegalia wrightii | Wright Acacia Wright's Acacia Catclaw Acacia Catclaw | |
Sida abutifolia | Spreading Fanpetals Spreading Sida | |
Sicyos angulatus | One-seed Burr Cucumber Star Cucumber | |
Sicyos angulatus | One-seed Burr Cucumber Star Cucumber | |
Sisyrinchium biforme | Wiry Blue-eyed Grass | |
Simsia calva | Awnless Bush Sunflower Bush Sunflower | |
Sideroxylon celastrinum | Saffron Plum Coma Saffron Plum La Coma Coma Milk Buckthorn Tropical Buckthorn Downward Plum Antswood | |
Sisyrinchium chilense | Swordleaf Blue-eyed Grass Sword-leaf Blue-eyed Grass | |
Silphium gracile | Slender Rosinweed | |
Silene laciniata | Cardinal Catchfly Southern Indian Pink Mexican Campion Catchfly | |
Sideroxylon lanuginosum | Gum Bumelia Gum Bully Woollybucket Bumelia Woolly Bumelia Gum Woollybucket Woolly Buckthorn Chittamwood Shittamwood Gum Elastic Coma Black Haw | |
Sicyos microphyllus | Small-leaf Bur Cucumber | |
Silphium radula | Roughstem Rosinweed | |
Sida rhombifolia | Cuban Jute Axocatzin | |
Sida rhombifolia | Cuban Jute Axocatzin | |
Sida spinosa | Prickly Fanpetals | |
Sida spinosa | Prickly Fanpetals | |
Sida spinosa | Prickly Fanpetals | |
Smilax bona-nox | Sawbriar Saw Greenbriar Catbriar Barbed Wire Vine Bullbriar Stretchberry Vine | |
Solanum dimidiatum | Western Horsenettle Western Horse-nettle | |
Sorghastrum elliottii | Slender Indiangrass | |
Sorghastrum elliottii | Slender Indiangrass | |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod Prairie Goldenrod Oldfield Goldenrod Grayleaf Goldenrod Gray-leaved Goldenrod Dyersweed Goldenrod Dwarf Goldenrod Field Goldenrod | |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod Prairie Goldenrod Oldfield Goldenrod Grayleaf Goldenrod Gray-leaved Goldenrod Dyersweed Goldenrod Dwarf Goldenrod Field Goldenrod | |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indiangrass Yellow Indiangrass Indian Grass | |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indiangrass Yellow Indiangrass Indian Grass | |
Solanum rostratum | Buffalo Bur Buffalo Bur Nightshade Buffalobur Nightshade | |
Solidago sempervirens | Seaside Goldenrod | |
Solidago sempervirens | Seaside Goldenrod | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sophora tomentosa | Yellow Necklacepod Yellow Sophora Necklace Pod Tambalisa | |
Solanum triquetrum | Texas Nightshade Hierba Mora | |
Sphaeralcea lindheimeri | Woolly Globemallow | |
Spartina patens | Saltmeadow Cordgrass Salt-meadow Cordgrass Marsh-hay Cordgrass | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |