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Pyle, Lynn

Lynn Pyle first began to study wildflowers at the age of eight when she received her first Golden Field Guide books and discovered that all the beautiful flowers she loved had official names.

After graduating from Panola Community College with a Vocational Nursing diploma, Lynn spent most of her free time exploring the Ark-La-Tex area and discovering many of the beautiful wildflowers in that region, many times dragging her pre-teen son along with her. He once played a prank on her when they were on their way to a meeting in Leakey, Texas by urging her to stop and look at the “Glowing Mysterium” he had seen along the roadside.

During her son’s high school years, Lynn was invited to be a guest lecturer by the Carthage High School Biology department and led field trips throughout Panola and neighboring counties to assist the students with their annual wildflower collection and identification projects. She also taught a continuing education Wildflower Appreciation course at Panola Community College and led that class on field trips as well.

While her son was in high school, Lynn returned to college and earned a degree in nursing, becoming a registered nurse after 25 years of nursing at the vocational level. Lynn’s career took her to the Dallas area and later to the Texas Hill Country, contracting as an occupational health nurse for Dell Computer Corporation in Round Rock, Texas.

Upon her retirement, Lynn and her husband took a one-year road trip surveying the natural wonders of the United States. They explored everything from swamps to mountain tops. Returning to Texas, they settled permanently on the lower Gulf Coast area. There Lynn has discovered a whole new world of wildflowers and other natural phenomena, exploring and recording her findings almost every day.

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scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Urtica chamaedryoidesHeart-leaf Stinging Nettle
Heart-leaf Nettle
Stinging Nettle
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Texas Huisache
Sweet Acacia
Perfume Acacia
Mealy Acacia
Mealy Wattle
Verbesina alternifoliaWingstem
Yellow Ironweed
Verbesina encelioidesCowpen Daisy
Golden Crownbeard
Butter Daisy
Verbena haleiTexas Vervain
Slender Verbena
Texas Verbena
Slender Vervain
Verbena hastataSwamp Verbena
Blue Verbena
Blue Vervain
Simpler's Joy
Verbena hastata var. hastataSwamp Verbena
Blue Vervain
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Verbesina micropteraTexas Crownbeard
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Verbesina micropteraTexas Crownbeard
Verbesina micropteraTexas Crownbeard
Verbesina micropteraTexas Crownbeard
Verbesina micropteraTexas Crownbeard
Wissadula amplissimaBig Yellow Velvetleaf
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Wissadula amplissimaBig Yellow Velvetleaf
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Wissadula amplissimaBig Yellow Velvetleaf
Xanthium strumariumRough Cocklebur
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Western Turkeybeard
Bear Lily
Pine Lily
Elk Grass
Squaw Grass
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Tree Yucca
Yucca brevifoliaJoshua Tree
Tree Yucca
Yucca brevifoliaJoshua Tree
Tree Yucca
Yucca treculeanaSpanish Dagger
Spanish Bayonet
Don Quixote's Lance
Palma Pita
Palma De Datil
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Zephyranthes pulchellaShowy Zephyrlily
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Zephyranthes pulchellaShowy Zephyrlily
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