Native Plants
Image Gallery
Pyle, Lynn
Lynn Pyle first began to study wildflowers at the age of eight when she received her first Golden Field Guide books and discovered that all the beautiful flowers she loved had official names.After graduating from Panola Community College with a Vocational Nursing diploma, Lynn spent most of her free time exploring the Ark-La-Tex area and discovering many of the beautiful wildflowers in that region, many times dragging her pre-teen son along with her. He once played a prank on her when they were on their way to a meeting in Leakey, Texas by urging her to stop and look at the “Glowing Mysterium” he had seen along the roadside.
During her son’s high school years, Lynn was invited to be a guest lecturer by the Carthage High School Biology department and led field trips throughout Panola and neighboring counties to assist the students with their annual wildflower collection and identification projects. She also taught a continuing education Wildflower Appreciation course at Panola Community College and led that class on field trips as well.
While her son was in high school, Lynn returned to college and earned a degree in nursing, becoming a registered nurse after 25 years of nursing at the vocational level. Lynn’s career took her to the Dallas area and later to the Texas Hill Country, contracting as an occupational health nurse for Dell Computer Corporation in Round Rock, Texas.
Upon her retirement, Lynn and her husband took a one-year road trip surveying the natural wonders of the United States. They explored everything from swamps to mountain tops. Returning to Texas, they settled permanently on the lower Gulf Coast area. There Lynn has discovered a whole new world of wildflowers and other natural phenomena, exploring and recording her findings almost every day.
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Phyla nodiflora | Texas Frogfruit Turkey Tangle Fogfruit Frogfruit | |
Phacelia patuliflora var. austrotexana | South Texas Sand Phacelia | |
Phacelia patuliflora var. austrotexana | South Texas Sand Phacelia | |
Phacelia patuliflora var. austrotexana | South Texas Sand Phacelia | |
Physalis pubescens | Husk Tomato Downy Ground-cherry Downy Groundcherry | |
Pluchea camphorata | Camphor Pluchea Camphor Weed | |
Pluchea odorata | Sweetscent Saltmarsh Fleabane | |
Polygala alba | White Milkwort | |
Polygonum pensylvanicum | Pennsylvania Smartweed Pink Smartweed | |
Polygonum pensylvanicum | Pennsylvania Smartweed Pink Smartweed | |
Polygonum pensylvanicum | Pennsylvania Smartweed Pink Smartweed | |
Portulaca pilosa | Kiss Me Quick Chisme | |
Polytaenia texana | Texas Prairie Parsley Texas-parsley Texas Parsley | |
Polytaenia texana | Texas Prairie Parsley Texas-parsley Texas Parsley | |
Portulaca umbraticola | Wingpod Purslane Purslane | |
Prosopis glandulosa | Honey Mesquite Glandular Mesquite Algarroba | |
Prunella vulgaris | Common Selfheal | |
Psorothamnus arborescens | Mojave Indigobush | |
Psorothamnus arborescens | Mojave Indigobush | |
Psilostrophe tagetina | Woolly Paperflower Paperflower | |
Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus | Smallflower Desert-chicory Texas Dandelion False Dandelion | |
Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus | Smallflower Desert-chicory Texas Dandelion False Dandelion | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Ranunculus macranthus | Large Buttercup | |
Rayjacksonia phyllocephala | Camphor Daisy | |
Rhynchospora colorata | Whitetop Sedge White-topped Sedge Starrush Whitetop Star Sedge Star Rush | |
Rhynchosia latifolia | Prairie Snoutbean | |
Rhexia mariana | Maryland Meadow Beauty Pale Meadow Beauty | |
Rhexia mariana var. mariana | Maryland Meadow Beauty Pale Meadow Beauty | |
Richardia tricocca | Prairie Mexican Clover | |
Rosa woodsii | Woods' Rose Western Wild Rose | |
Rumex aquaticus | Western Dock | |
Ruellia nudiflora | Violet Ruellia Common Wild Petunia Violet Wild Petunia Wild Petunia Hierba De La Calentura | |
Rubus parviflorus | Western Thimbleberry Thimbleberry | |
Salvia azurea | Pitcher Sage Big Blue Sage Azure Sage Giant Blue Sage Blue Sage | |
Sabatia campestris | Texas Star Rose Gentian Meadow Pink Prairie Rose-gentian Prairie Sabatia | |
Sabatia campestris | Texas Star Rose Gentian Meadow Pink Prairie Rose-gentian Prairie Sabatia | |
Salvia coccinea | Scarlet Sage Tropical Sage Blood Sage Red Sage Indian Fire | |
Salvia coccinea | Scarlet Sage Tropical Sage Blood Sage Red Sage Indian Fire | |
Salvia farinacea | Mealy Blue Sage Mealy Sage Mealycup Sage | |
Sagittaria longiloba | Longbarb Arrowhead Flecha De Agua Long-lobe Arrowhead Long-barb Arrowhead | |
Sagittaria longiloba | Longbarb Arrowhead Flecha De Agua Long-lobe Arrowhead Long-barb Arrowhead | |
Sagittaria longiloba | Longbarb Arrowhead Flecha De Agua Long-lobe Arrowhead Long-barb Arrowhead | |
Salazaria mexicana | Mexican Bladdersage Bladder Sage Paper Bag Bush | |
Salazaria mexicana | Mexican Bladdersage Bladder Sage Paper Bag Bush | |
Salazaria mexicana | Mexican Bladdersage Bladder Sage Paper Bag Bush | |
Salazaria mexicana | Mexican Bladdersage Bladder Sage Paper Bag Bush | |
Sarracenia minor | Hooded Pitcherplant Hooded Pitcher-plant Hooded Pitcher Plant | |
Sagittaria platyphylla | Delta Arrowhead | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | |
Sambucus racemosa | Red Elderberry | |
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii | Western Soapberry Soapberry Wild China Tree Wild Chinaberry Indian Soap Plant Jaboncillo | |
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii | Western Soapberry Soapberry Wild China Tree Wild Chinaberry Indian Soap Plant Jaboncillo | |
Senecio ampullaceus | Texas Ragwort Texas Groundsel Texas Butterweed | |
Senecio ampullaceus | Texas Ragwort Texas Groundsel Texas Butterweed | |
Senecio ampullaceus | Texas Ragwort Texas Groundsel Texas Butterweed | |
Serjania brachycarpa | Littlefruit Slipplejack Serjania | |
Serjania brachycarpa | Littlefruit Slipplejack Serjania | |
Serjania brachycarpa | Littlefruit Slipplejack Serjania | |
Serjania brachycarpa | Littlefruit Slipplejack Serjania | |
Sedum divergens | Pacific Stonecrop | |
Sesbania drummondii | Rattlebush Rattlebox Poisonbean | |
Senecio flaccidus | Threadleaf Ragwort Threadleaf Groundsel | |
Sesbania herbacea | Coffeeweed Bigpod Sesbania | |
Senecio riddellii | Riddell's Ragwort | |
Shepherdia rotundifolia | Roundleaf Buffaloberry | |
Sida abutifolia | Spreading Fanpetals Spreading Sida | |
Sida ciliaris | Bracted Fanpetals Bracted Sida | |
Sisyrinchium langloisii | Roadside Blue-eyed Grass Dotted Blue-eyed Grass Southern Blue-eyed Grass | |
Sisyrinchium myrioflorum | Sandyland Blue-eyed Grass Many-flowered Blue-eyed Grass | |
Sisyrinchium myrioflorum | Sandyland Blue-eyed Grass Many-flowered Blue-eyed Grass | |
Sida spinosa | Prickly Fanpetals | |
Solanum elaeagnifolium | Silverleaf Nightshade Silver-leaf Nightshade White Horse Nettle Trompillo Tomato Weed Bull Nettle | |
Solanum rostratum | Buffalo Bur Buffalo Bur Nightshade Buffalobur Nightshade | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Spiraea douglasii | Rose Spirea Western Spiraea Hardhack Spiraea | |
Spiraea douglasii var. douglasii | Rose Spirea | |
Sphaeralcea lindheimeri | Woolly Globemallow | |
Sphaeralcea munroana | Munro's Globemallow White-stem Globe-mallow | |
Stenotus acaulis | Stemless Mock Goldenweed Stemless Goldenweed | |
Stenotus acaulis | Stemless Mock Goldenweed Stemless Goldenweed | |
Stachys drummondii | Drummond's Hedgenettle Pink Mint | |
Stylisma humistrata | Southern Dawnflower White Stylisma | |
Suaeda linearis | Annual Seepweed | |
Suaeda linearis | Annual Seepweed | |
Symphyotrichum expansum | Southwestern Annual Saltmarsh Aster | |
Symphyotrichum expansum | Southwestern Annual Saltmarsh Aster | |
Teucrium cubense | Small Coastal Germander Coast Germander | |
Tephrosia lindheimeri | Lindheimer's Hoarypea Hoary Pea Lindheimer Tephrosia | |
Tetragonotheca repanda | Showy Nerveray | |
Tecoma stans | Yellow Bells Yellowbells Esperanza Yellow Trumpetbush Yellow Trumpetflower Trumpetbush Trumpetflower Yellow Elder Hardy Yellow Trumpet Yellow Trumpet Bush | |
Thelocactus setispinus | Miniature Barrel Cactus Hedgehog Cactus | |
Thelocactus setispinus | Miniature Barrel Cactus Hedgehog Cactus | |
Thymophylla tenuiloba | Bristleleaf Pricklyleaf | |
Tillandsia recurvata | Small Ball Moss Ball Moss | |
Tradescantia gigantea | Giant Spiderwort | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |