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Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,845 plant images. From this page you can use the search bar to find a specific image or view plants by family, photographer or collection. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


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484 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

scientific namecommon nameimages
Acaciella angustissimaPrairie Acacia
Fern Acacia
Whiteball Acacia
Prairie Wattle
White-ball Acacia
Senegalia berlandieriGuajillo
Berlandier Acacia
Berlandier's Acacia
Round-flowered Catclaw
Roundflower Catclaw
Mimosa Catclaw
Thornless Catclaw
Vachellia constrictaWhitethorn Acacia
White-thorn Acacia
Mescat Acacia
Mescat Wattle
Vara Prieta
Chaparro Prieto
Vachellia farnesianaHuisache
Texas Huisache
Sweet Acacia
Perfume Acacia
Mealy Acacia
Mealy Wattle
Senegalia greggiiGregg Acacia
Gregg's Acacia
Gregg Catclaw Acacia
Gregg's Catclaw Acacia
Gregg Catclaw
Gregg's Catclaw
Texas Catclaw Acacia
Texas Catclaw
Long-flowered Catclaw Acacia
Longflower Catclaw Acacia
Long-flowered Catclaw
Longflower Catclaw
Catclaw Acacia
Devil's Claw
Uña De Gato
Senegalia wrightiiWright Acacia
Wright's Acacia
Catclaw Acacia
Vachellia vernicosaViscid Acacia
Vachellia rigidulaBlackbrush Acacia
Chaparro Prieto
Senegalia roemerianaRoemer Acacia
Roemer's Acacia
Roundflower Catclaw
Round-flowered Catclaw
Catclaw Acacia
Vachellia bravoensisHuisachillo
Dwarf Huisache
Bravo Acacia
Schaffner's Acacia
Schaffner's Wattle
Twisted Acacia
scientific namecommon nameimages

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484 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page