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Friday - December 07, 2012

From: Weslaco, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Propagation, Vines
Title: Propagation of Tournefortia volubilis
Answered by: Guy Thompson


I am a State Park Host at Estero Llano Grande SP in Weslaco, TX and am looking for information on the Tournefortia volubilis, Googly-eyed vine. I would like to know if there is a best method for propagating this vine.


It is not easy to locate detailed information on Tournefortia volubilis, usually called Twining soldierbush.  I find no account of its propagation other than that the preferred method is to use seed.  It grows rapidly in almost any soil type, needs partial shade to full sun with good drainage.  It is sensitive to cold below 28 degrees F.  As you probably know already, it produces very small, yellowish-white flowers throughout the year and yields clusters of small, fleshy white berries with one or more black dots at the end.  It is considered to be an attractlive, thickly growing climbing vine well suited for use on a fence.  Good luck with your propagation efforts.


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