Native Plants

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Thursday - February 11, 2010
From: Austin, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Wildflower Center
Title: Update on Wildflower Center's Turffalo plot
Answered by: Nan Hampton and Julie Krosley
Hi, I was wondering if you can provide an update about the Turffalo grass installed at the Wildflower Center? The last update was June 26, 2009. We are investigating options for a lawn in South Austin with partial shade/partial sun so the Shadow Turf from Turffalo seemed like it may be a good option since other types of buffalograss state they go dormant in shade. Our lawn is also slightly sloped. If you have other recommendations for this type of site, that is also appreciated. Thank you!ANSWER:
Here is an update on the Turffalo plot from Julie Krosley, our senior horticulturist:"Since June of 2009, I can report the Turffalo did fill in. It never got really dense though and presently it is thin and slightly weedy. I am in the process of hand weeding it with my volunteers and plan on putting corn gluten on it early next week. I still stand by my earlier statement that I don't think the Turffalo is any more weed resistant or dense than other varieties of buffalo. I don't know how Shadow Turf performs so I can't comment on that.
I am excited by the studies that Mark Simmons has done on the different native lawn mixes and I would encourage you to come out and look at the test plots and read our 'how to' article on native lawns. I am beginning to think that this is maybe a better way to go instead of a monoculture lawn, even a native one such as buffalo grass"
To find the article about Dr. Mark Simmons's research on native lawn grass mixes click here.
You can also read the How to Article: Native Lawns.
To read previous questions and answers about Turffalo, visit the Ask Mr. Smarty Plants home page and enter 'turffalo' in the "Keyword Search" box.
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