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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

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Thursday - August 28, 2008

From: San Marcos, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Shade Tolerant
Title: Native evergreen for shade
Answered by: Nan Hampton


Hi, I am looking for a plant that is evergreen (or semi evergreen), native to central Texas, and shade tolerant. This is for a Wildscape area in San Marcos. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!


Here are some evergreen and semi-evergreen plants that will tolerate part shade (2-6 hours of sunlight/day) and a few will tolerate shade (<2 hours of sunlight/day).


Lonicera sempervirens (trumpet honeysuckle) semi-evergreen, sun and part shade

Gelsemium sempervirens (evening trumpetflower) evergreen, sun and part shade

Bignonia capreolata (crossvine) semi-evergreen, sun and part shade

Shrubs/Small Trees:

Sophora secundiflora (Texas mountain-laurel) evergreen, sun and part shade

Ilex vomitoria (yaupon) evergreen, part shade

Mahonia trifoliolata (agarita) evergreen, sun and part shade

Morella cerifera (wax myrtle) evergreen, sun and part shade

Rhus virens (evergreen sumac) evergreen, sun and part shade

Leucophyllum frutescens (Texas barometer bush) evergreen, sun and part shade

Herbaceous plants:

Calyptocarpus vialis (straggler daisy) semi-evergreen, sun, part shade and shade

Phyla nodiflora (turkey tangle fogfruit) semi-evergreen, sun and part shade

Grasses and sedges:

Carex texensis (Texas sedge) evergreen, sun and part shade

Carex planostachys (cedar sedge) evergreen, part shade

There are several grasses that aren't evergreen, but they are still attractive when they begin to brown.  For example:

Chasmanthium latifolium (Inland sea oats) part shade and shade 

Elymus canadensis (Canada wildrye) sun, part shade and shade 

Schizachyrium scoparium (little bluestem) sun and part shade

Lonicera sempervirens

Gelsemium sempervirens

Bignonia capreolata

Sophora secundiflora

Ilex vomitoria

Mahonia trifoliolata

Morella cerifera

Rhus virens

Leucophyllum frutescens

Calyptocarpus vialis

Phyla nodiflora

Carex texensis

Carex planostachys

Chasmanthium latifolium

Elymus canadensis

Schizachyrium scoparium









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