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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Sunday - June 17, 2007

From: Lakewood , OH
Region: Southwest
Topic: Trees
Title: Texas smoketree
Answered by: Nan Hampton


Does a smoketree grow in Texas? How can I identify it?


Indeed, Cotinus obovatus (American smoketree or Texas smoketree) grows in Texas. You can read other descriptions, with photos, from Texas A & M and Virginia Tech. Here is the Texas county distribution map from the USDA.

Cotinus obovatus

Cotinus obovatus




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