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Wednesday - May 02, 2007

From: Plano, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Seed and Plant Sources
Title: Looking for nursery selling Wrights skullcap (Scutellaria wrightii)
Answered by: Nan Hampton


I'm located in Plano, and am trying to find seeds or seedlings for a plant species I saw at the LBJ Wildflower Center in Austin. I'm looking for a blue-flowering ground cover plant that is called Wright's Skullcap. North Haven Nursery in Dallas seems to have bushes called Skullcap, but I'm not finding anybody who can tell me where to buy the Wright's Skullcap that is a flowering plant. Can you help me with this question? Thanks.


You can search for nurseries in your area that specialize in native plants in our National Suppliers Directory. In a quick search there, Mr. Smarty Plants found that Rohde's Nursery & Nature Store in Garland, Texas lists Scutellaria wrightii (Wright's skullcap) for sale. You might search further in the National Suppliers Directory and find a closer source to you. Also, the Collin County Chapter of the Native Plant Society of Texas has a page listing "Nurseries that sell native plants in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area" that lists a few that are not in our database.


Scutellaria wrightii



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