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379 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

Can non-native guavas be successfully moved from Gulfport MS?
April 19, 2011
Can guavas be moved successfully from one established planted location to another? My mother is having to relocate due to MDOT and we would like to move her established guavas. Thank you,
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Gardening advice for Quebec
April 15, 2011
I live in Aylmer Quebec 1. I bought some lily bulbs at a Christmas bazaar. When can I plant them and what do I put in the hole with the bulbs? 2. I bought a little potted cedar at COSTCO for a Ch...
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Moving Iris bulbs
April 15, 2011
I will be moving and want to take my Iris bulbs with me. Can I dig them up now that they are in flower?
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Need suggestions for plants to form a privacy hedge in Granbury, TX.
April 14, 2011
We live on a rocky hill in Hood County, Tx. and need suggestions for evergreen anything that will provide privacy. Red Cedars were added in October 2010 and it looks as if half of those are dying. He...
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Problem with Arizona Ash in Leander TX
March 10, 2011
What would make my otherwise healthy Arizona Ash tree, that was doing so well last year, only bud out on just one side?
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Dead woody plants in wildlife garden in Austin
March 02, 2011
I am an enthusiastic and pretty successful wildlife gardener, have studied my Wasowski "Bible", but I can't get any evergreens established in my yard! We live on blackland clay, which I amend with ...
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Possible transplant shock in recently planted Anacua in San Antonio, TX.
February 10, 2011
I planted an Anacua tree from a nursery this past November. The tree I purchased was about 6ft tall and was a leftover from the spring. The roots were pretty wound up inside. After shaking the roots l...
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Caring for Texas Buckeye in Buda TX
February 07, 2011
I have a Texas Buckeye that is planted in a moderate amount of shade. It is growing very slowly, and only holds on to it's leaves from late March to August. It has been in the ground for about 4-5 ye...
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Best Time for Dividing and Transplanting Native Bunch Grasses in Jarrell, Texas
February 02, 2011
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, What time of the year is the best for dividing and transplanting native bunch grasses like Gulf muhly, and Miscanthus?
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Problems with Texas Ash and non-native Bradford Pear in Hutto TX
January 27, 2011
We have planted two trees in our back yard. The first one(a Bradford Pear) died and the second one (a Texas ash) doesn't look like it's doing very well. Our back yard is mostly black clay about 1 f...
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Conditions for growing Anacacho Orchid in Smithville TX
January 24, 2011
What conditions (soil type, sun/shade, understory? etc.) to grow a healthy Anacacho Orchid tree? And what is the best size tree to plant?
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Tall Evergreens for Pennsylvania
January 06, 2011
I want to plant tall evergreen trees that grow really tall in deep shade or that I can plant already fairly large and withstand the shock of planting in a mature state and live in deep shade. I thank ...
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Blackened leaves on purple sage in Utopia TX
December 08, 2010
I live in Utopia Texas and have a 5-ft. Texas Purple Sage that has developed a black appearance on the leaves. What is this and what can I do about it?
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Time to transplant an Eastern Redbud in Pearland, TX
November 17, 2010
When is the best time in the fall to transplant an Eastern Redbud tree in Pearland, TX? We have one approximately 6 feet tall in the back yard and want to move it to the front ASAP.
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Problems with Texas wild olive tree in Tucson
November 15, 2010
Planted a Texas Olive tree in Tucson, Az. Some of the leaves are kind of yellow. It gets part sun and part shade and is growing. Is this due to too much water, not enough water or does it need somet...
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Problems with a Monterey Oak in Austin, TX.
November 12, 2010
I have a large Monterey Oak, planted last year that has not gotten any fuller. Do I need to fertilize and if so, when?
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Transplanting False Gaura in Austin
October 27, 2010
I am transplanting my false gaura. Do they transplant well, and should I cut them back?
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Transplanting crabapples in NJ
October 25, 2010
I purchased a mature Red Baron crabapple in march of this year from a reputable nursery here in southern NJ. The tree was in the ground when I first viewed it, and since it was march and hadn't bloom...
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Damage to yucca in San Marcos TX
October 18, 2010
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, thank you for helping me with my buffalo grass is San Marcos TX back in the spring, my lawn is gorgeous thanks to you! I really need your help as someone sabotaged my beauti...
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Moving a volunteer holly from Springfield IL
October 11, 2010
When would be the very best time to move a volunteer holly? I would say it is 3 years old, it stands about 5 feet tall, shaped like a very nice tree and it keeps its leaves. Thank you. Karen
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Want a source for Mexican redbud in Houston, TX
October 04, 2010
I live in west Houston and would like to purchase and plant a Mexican redbud in my yard. I have Googled to find one and also searched the Growit site without success. Where can I find one in Texas? I ...
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Problems with a Hackberry tree in San Antonio.
September 23, 2010
Our old hackberry tree fell over last year. Now we have dozens of new ones popping up in the same area. We want to transplant a few to another area of the yard, but they aren't surviving. It appears ...
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Transplanting wild sumac
September 23, 2010
About a month ago I dug up five sumac from my backyard in Aylmer Quebec. I potted them. They now look dead. I wanted to transplant them at my cottage in Barrie Ontario. Can I still transplant them...
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Century plants spread through offshots from Rye TX
September 20, 2010
How do century plants spread? Are the little ones the babies?
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Tecoma stans problems in Santa Monica CA
September 20, 2010
I just purchased a mature 6ft tall potted Tecoma Stance Vine (Honeysuckle), It is placed in an area where it gets at least 3 to 4 hours morning/early afternoon sun and then a shaded sun for the rest o...
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Newly planted magnolia in Hedron NE
September 19, 2010
We planted a Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star' in our landscape about 2 weeks ago. It is approx 7' tall. My question is should the leaves on it all be turning brown and crisp already or are doing some...
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When to move eastern gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides)
September 18, 2010
I have a huge Eastern gamagrass clump that I need to move. What is the best time of year to transplant native grasses
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Move Roses or Ornamental Grasses in Crown Point, Indiana
September 15, 2010
I have two ornamental grasses that grew real wide this year. They are blocking three big knock out roses that are four foot tall and four foot wide. My question is which one would be easier to dig up ...
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How to Propagate Mexican Bush Sage in Marble Falls, Texas
September 14, 2010
I need advice on when, how to separate Mexican bush sage. Ours is happy and HUGE but is now sprouting from the roots at the base. Since we've been so successful with this plant, we want to divide it...
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Wax myrtle problems from Driftwood TX
September 04, 2010
We planted 27 wax myrtles on the perimeter of our property last year and were diligent about watering them throughout the drought. They are in very rocky soil (we had to use a jackhammer to dig the ho...
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Mexican Plum not doing well in Liberty Hill, TX.
September 03, 2010
Two summers have passed since I planted my Mexican Plum. It's in full sun. It seems to have added height but not much width. It's virtually a 7 foot stick with 1 foot branches from top to bottom. It...
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Transplanting yucca pups from Dallas
September 01, 2010
Can I transplant Pup Yucca plants off of the main yucca and how do I cut them off?
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Soapberry tree problems in North Richland Hills, TX
September 01, 2010
We have a small grove of soapberry trees. The city recently reconstructed the street and added a side walk which now sets as close at 1 foot from the nearest tree. Everything seemed fine until they ...
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Flaming sumacs in trouble in Wimberley TX
August 31, 2010
I planted three flaming sumacs last fall and all leafed out this spring. Then, early this month all the leaves turned brown on one and it appears to have died. Today I noticed that a second one is d...
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Transplanting sumacs in Ontario
August 23, 2010
I live in Aylmer Quebec. I have 10 baby sumac in my back yard and want to transplant them at my cottage in southern Ontario on Lake Simcoe. When can I do this and how?
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Plant identification from Sarasota, FL.
August 23, 2010
Hi I recently went to Discovery Cove in Orlando Florida and saw a purple flowering tree/shrub that had branches similar to okra shape or starfruit shape, the leaves were very grainy similar to alligat...
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Transplanting non-native yellow lantana in Emerald Isle, NC
August 22, 2010
We live in Emerald Isle, NC. Can we transplant yellow lantana? It is not really a perennial but appears to be one at the coast. If so, when do you transplant?
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Should I plant a potted Texas Star Hibiscus in August in Austin, TX?
August 12, 2010
I bought a red Texas Star Hibiscus, in March, in a 6" pot and 2 ft tall. I repotted it to a 12" clay pot, put it under deck roof near edge, where it gets a bit of morning sun and filtered light res...
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Failure to thrive of desert willow in Wimberley TX
August 10, 2010
I have a desert willow. It is always, whether I water it or leave it alone, yellow/ brown leaves, dark spots on the leaves, losing leaves. now it looks sad and not very healthy. Can you please tell m...
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Transplanting non-native mimosas in Braintree MA
August 10, 2010
I want to transplant some baby mimosa trees. Have tried in past and they just die.
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Flowering evergreen shrubs for sun in Austin
August 09, 2010
I am looking for a flowering evergreen shrubs that can take all afternoon sun(on the west side of our house. Preferably 2ft high and 2 ft wide. I had planted a few Salvia Greggii(Autumn Sage) which on...
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Non-native Japanese maple seedling in Rotterdam NY
August 09, 2010
In the first couple days of August, I discovered a baby Japanese Maple growing against the wall of my storage shed, a short distance from a neighbor's full grown Japanese Maple. I transplanted this 5...
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Sumacs under live oaks dying in Austin
August 08, 2010
Converted my yard to native plants last fall. All of the fragrant and evergreen sumacs are dying off one by one - they have never thrived. I ensure they get a good soaking at least once a week. I w...
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Transplant shock in American beautyberry in Birmingham AL
July 13, 2010
We created a new garden area in our yard that gets full sun in the afternoon. I had a Beautyberry Bush that had seriously outgrown the area where we originally planted it (also full sun), so I transp...
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Amendments for faster-growing trees from Bulverde TX
July 04, 2010
What faster growing trees will grow in black gumbo clay that is about 12 inches deep above caliche rock in full sun with a sprinkler system set on 1 inch/week? How many and how much amendments such...
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Best time to plant non-native Crape Myrtle in Fulshear TX
July 01, 2010
When are the best times to plant Crape Myrtles? My husband and I have just moved to Fulshear, TX (just slightly west of Houston) and being summer, I didn't think this was the best planting period. ...
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Transplanting suckers on Cenizo in Austin
June 21, 2010
Our large silverado sage has produced some volunteers, which are now about 1 ft - 1-1/2 ft tall. Is it possible to transplant them or has the taproot grown too deep for transplanting? Also, will the ...
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Ash tree dying back to lower sprouts in Kempner TX
June 19, 2010
My 2 year old ash tree leaves dropped, appears dead, branches dying. New growth near base of tree. Do I cut upper trunk or remove entire tree? My other ash is doing well.
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Transplanting a Dutchman's pipe in Beaverton MI
June 10, 2010
When can I transplant a full grown dutchmans pipe plant? It is growing along side of the house and it needs a bigger place to grow. This is June and the plant is in full bloom full of pipes, but need...
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Browning leaves on recently planted chinkapin oak in Rockwall TX
June 09, 2010
I just planted a chinkapin oak that is about 1 1\2 inches thick last week and now some of the leaves are turning brown. Does that mean its dying? Do you have any tips that I could use to protect it?
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