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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Bandera, TX
Failure to thrive of Lantanas
Here at work we have 4 beautiful yellow Santanas(should I say had), the leaves have started to turn brown and no longer blooming. Appears to have a fungus or disease. Please help!
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Bandera, TX
killing clover in Bandera
How may one kill clover while not killing native wild flowers in one's lawn?
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Bandera, TX
Clicking heard under an Oak in near Bandera, TX
Hi, I live on a ranch in TX outside of Bandera. We're covered with live oaks, spanish oak and cedar. Last week,as I stood under an oak, I heard a constant fairly loud clicking sound under and around ...
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Bandera, TX
Propagating a white cultivar of Texas Mountain Laurel (Sophora secundiflora
I am trying to propagate a white cultivar of the Texas Mountain Laurel. I plan to use bee sticks and pollinate the plant. Are the plants self fruiting or do I need to find another white mountain laure...
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Bandera, TX
Need to know about little brown spots on Texas Mountain Laurel
I have little brown spots on my Texas Mountain Laurel leaves. I can email you a picture if needed. What could it be and how can I help my little laurels work thru these spots? The texas mountain ...
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Bandera, TX
Deer resistant shade plants for Southern Texas
Looking for low shrubs and flowers that will grow in full shade and that would be mostly deer resistant. North facing front of our house.
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Bandera, TX
Deer-resistant native plants for privacy fence in Bandera, TX
I am trying to have a living privacy fence of some type of evergreen shrubs that would grow about 6ft tall and that would be deer resistant. It would be good if didn't need a lot of maintenance. Do y...
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Medina, TX
Drought & Deer Resistant Shrub for Shade in Medina, TX
We are dedicated to native plants in Medina, but are desperate to find a drought and deer resistant shrub for shade. Would we be too far off base with an oleander bush? We know birds and most butterfl...
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Medina, TX
Non-native ligustrum in non-native fescue in Medina TX
Is there an effective way to kill baby ligustrums coming up in my fescue yard without harming the grass?
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Comfort, TX
Plant screen for Comfort TX
My house sits on a hill between Fredericksburg and Comfort. Darn, if my neighbors didn't build so close to my property line that I can see into their cabin when the trees drop their leaves in the f...
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Comfort, TX
Problems with Agave americana in Comfort TX
We have lost a huge agave americana and are not able to find out what to do for our others. The one we lost was rotted or eaten (beetles?) at the base and the whole thing just fell over. We have a l...
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Comfort, TX
Insects attacking Gregg's Blue Mistflower from Comfort TX
I have a beautiful stand of Gregg's Blue Mist flower that have been attacked by an unknown insect. The new growth is curled and stunted and it is not flowering. I'm not alone..I've seen the Gregg'...
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Comfort, TX
Non-native Jerusalem Sage from Comfort TX
I live in Comfort, TX. I have 3 Jerusalem sage plants that bloom beautifully each year. However, just the past week one has started turning yellow and brown. The leaves look withered and ready to die....
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Comfort, TX
Century plant dying after bloom
My century plant is so tall that it is up to the top of the telephone pole top lines that carry our streets electric. I was wanting to know if you knew if I cut the stock off would it save the plant ...
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Comfort, TX
Native Plants Toxic to Dogs?
Are society garlic, Salvia greggii, black escarpment cherries, and wine cup wildflowers toxic to dogs?
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Boerne, TX
Is Desert willow poisonous to horses in Boerne TX
I have just purchased Bubba Desert Willows and have horses. Will they eat them, do you know and if so will they be harmed? Thanks
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Boerne, TX
Need plants to replace cedars on a 40 degree slope in Boerne, TX.
My backyard is a roughly 40 degree slope that is covered with cedars. The slope is basically all rock, what can I grow here to replace the cedar which drink too much water. I would still like the area...
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Boerne, TX
How does Asclepias asperula (antelope horns) respond to fire
From your experience with prairie burns, how does Asclepias asperula (antelope horns) respond to fire? Thanks.
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Boerne, TX
What variety of Opuntia is best for eating in Boerne, TX.
Which variety of Opuntia, is best for eating the pads and which are the ones best eaten for fruit?
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Boerne, TX
Sudden death of Texas Mountain Laurel
Last year, my 15-year-old Mountain Laurel died very suddenly. The leaves began to curl up and turn brown, and it was dead within about 15 days. What happened?
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Boerne, TX
Fast-growing vines for the Texas Hill Country
What are the best fast-growing vines for our Hill Country location? The vine will be growing on a stucco wall, so we don't want the vine to grow into the stucco and destroy it. Location has morning ...
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