Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Spicewood, TX
Trophy tree for Spicewood, Texas
I want to plant a trophy Mesquite at the bottom of the hill, in Spicewood. I'm told that it may not flourish, because of the soil in my area. If that is the case, what would be a striking tree as a...
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Spicewood, TX
Eliminating KR? Bluestem from St. Augustine Yard in Spicewood, TX
How can I eradicate bluestem grass invading my St. Augustine lawn?
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Spicewood, TX
Grass mixture for Spicewood TX
I want to seed a bare sand limestone area about 2 acres in size. Assuming "normal" Texas hill country weather and the availability of moderate water for sprinkling is there one mixture that you reco...
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Spicewood, TX
When to plant bluebonnets in Spicewood, TX
When is the best time to plant Bluebonnets and do you place seeds under the soil or just spread on top? Thank you
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Spicewood, TX
Information about growing mountain laurels (Sophora secundiflora)
I live just outside of Austin on 10 acres. I have several very large mountain laurels on my property that I planted from containers. Mine flower profusely every year. I feed them bi-weekly and wate...
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Spicewood, TX
Transplanting non-native invasive chinaberry trees
I know most folk think Chinaberry trees are only for digging up, but I say that here in the Hill Country during a drought, they are the greenest and purtiest tree around. I have some tall fifteen foo...
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Spicewood, TX
Failure to thrive of Cherokee sedge in Spicewood, TX
I have several Cherokee sedges, just planted in March. Three of them are doing fine, but the rest look like they're dying. Some are right next to one that is doing great. Any ideas?
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Spicewood, TX
Unrecognized grass in Habiturf from Spicewood TX
I purchased 2 bags of Habiturf from the Wildflower Center and planted it in late September. Now, early February, the predominant grass is not any of the 3 supposed components of the Habiturf, but look...
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Spicewood, TX
Erosion control in Spicewood TX
I am from a small community along the Colorado River a few miles East of Marble Falls. We are looking for a ground cover/grass to prevent erosion on on our beach front. We had planned to use Bermuda G...
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Spicewood, TX
New thorn/bush tree in Central Texas
In Central Texas, over the last 5 years we have seen a new variety of thorn bush appear. It has very long thorns much like mesquite tree but thorns are every inch or so along the branches. The tree is...
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Spicewood, TX
Need plants for new wrought iron planter in Spicewood,TX.
I live in Spicewood, Texas, and have just purchased some really nice wrought iron window boxes for my patio railing. What would be the best and prettiest plants to use? Thank you
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Spicewood,, TX
Texas Mountain Laurel oozing sap in Spicewood, TX.
We have a Texas mountain laurel that seems to be sweating. Oozing sap with no apparent signs of any type of bore holes, or holes made from any birds.
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Briarcliff, TX
Plant for hummingbirds shelter in Briarcliff TX
I am looking to grow a container plant for the birds to enjoy on my back deck. A little greenery and possibly a place to rest for the birds would be great. This faces west and has no shade. There a...
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Briarcliff, TX
Mexican sycamore for Briarcliff, TX
I would like to plant a sycamore in my yard. I have searched and do not see info on the Mexican sycamore on this website. Is this not recommended in Central Texas for planting? I cannot find the Am...
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Marble Falls, TX
Planting time for late October bloom of Cowpen Daisy from Marble Falls, TX
How fast does Cowpen Daisy grow from seed to flower? Do we still have time to plant seed and get flowers by the end of October in order to attract late migrating Monarch Butterflies through the Austi...
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Marble Falls, TX
Native plants for poolside in Central Texas
What native plants would your recommend for poolside landscaping, and poolside containers? Tons of sun and white limestone patio..
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Marble Falls, TX
Propagation of non-native Jerusalem Sage from Marble Falls, TX
What is the best way to propagate Jerusalem Sage? I've located a plant and I want to get some going.
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Marble Falls, TX
Care of non-native plant
I have a plant that grows about 1' tall, looks sort of like a dracaena. The leaves grow off of a short stem and are yellowish (no green at all) with brilliant slashes of hot pink an red. It is georg...
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Marble Falls, TX
Bird-attracting trees in Marble Falls TX
What fruiting trees/shrubs other than red mulberry are good to attract native birds (and for bird watching opportunities)? We'd prefer native species, but does white mulberry attract as many bird sp...
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marble falls, TX
Mystery plants at Marble Falls
On the upper end of Lake Marble Falls is a 2-3 foot tall green stemed plant just blooming small white daisy like flowers. There are no leaves on the plant just stems and now flowers. Any idea where ...
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Marble Falls, TX
Vegetables to plant now from Marble Falls TX
What are the best vegetables to plant now?
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