Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Aledo, TX
Native shrubs to replace non-native boxwood in Parker County, TX
I'm looking to replace some Japanese Boxwoods my wife planted years ago with some native plants, they run along the front of our house next to the foundation and porch about 60' in length. I prefer ...
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Aledo, TX
Distance from wall to plant Eastern red cedar
I want to plant a row of Eastern red cedar on the high side of a 2 to 2 1/2 ft large Pavestone block retaining wall, preferably as close to the wall as possible. We have put maybe 4-5" of gravel beh...
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Aledo, TX
Black bugs on yucca from Aledo TX
We have flowering yuccas that have thousands of small black bugs that seem to be hurting the plant. They are not on any other foliage in our beds. What do I use to get rid of them??
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Aledo, TX
Getting rid of rain lilies in Aledo, TX
How do I get rain lilies to stop growing in my yard?
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Aledo, TX
Looking for an evergreen vine to grow on trellis as a privacy screen
I'm looking for an evergreen vine to grow on a free standing trellis. It is used as a screen on our back porch, so ideally we would not like to use anything that flowers due to the insects ...
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Aledo, TX
Native plants for flower beds in Aledo, TX
I have 2 beds that together run the length of the house foundation (25' each), we have 2 spots I would like to plant a Yaupon (Pride of Houston) in each spot approximately 2' from the foundation;is ...
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Willow Park, TX
Are the berries of Gun bumelia poisonous to dogs from Willow Park TX
We have been told we have a Bumelia Lanuginosa (Chittamwood) tree in our yard. My dog has been eating the berries. (She has had stomach issues for several months and only recently found out she has ...
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Willow Park, TX
Identity of groundcover in Parker County, TX
I'm trying to identify a native "groundcover" that looks much like frogfruit, as far as the leaves and growth pattern, but has small yellow flowers that look like little lanterns as buds. I know it...
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Center Point, TX
What is the black stuff growing on my thoroughwort?
What is the black stuff on my thoroughwort plant's leaves that is killing the plant?
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Center Point, TX
When should I plant bermuda grass seeds?
When should I plant bermuda grass seeds?
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Benbrook, TX
Question about non-native bottle brush bush
I have a bottle brush bush it has not bloomed. I have had it about 6 months planted in the ground. I am worried it may not. can you tell me what you think. thanks lori
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Weatherford, TX
Smarty Plants on seed balls
Do you have the recipe for Wildflower Seed Balls? It's where you mix dry wildflower seeds, compost, red clay, and water to form a seed ball and then you throw it. I think the ratio is 1 part seed, ...
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Weatherford, TX
Effect of unusual wet weather on desert willows
I live in North Central Texas and have 3 beautiful Desert willow trees that are usually in full bloom. I've kept them pruned to form a nice full tree shape but now they are losing leaves and looking ...
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Weatherford, TX
Replanting a Desert Willow
My desert willow was damaged badly in a winter storm and had to be taken down. Do I need to remove the old root system below grade when I plant a new desert willow?
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Weatherford, TX
Sun loving plants for flower bed by the pool in Weatherford Texas
We have a 40' long x 2 1/2' wide flowerbed along our pool. It is in full sun with the pool deck across the front and a 6' privacy fence across back. Also, the level of the bed is 18" below the l...
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Weatherford, TX
Problems with transplanting cenizo in Weatherford TX
I tried to transplant a Silverado Sage into a large pot but within 1 day it started wilting. Could it be the soil? I used potting soil not soil from the ground which is a sandy soil.
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Weatherford, TX
Native grass and wildflower possibilities for Weatherford, TX
I live in Weatherford, Texas - 20 acres and would love to have a prairie or soft cover throughout the year (less mowing). What do you recommend? I don't know anything about this ... So, feel free to ...
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Weatherford, TX
Why is my Chinkapin oak losing its leaves this spring?
We have a chinkapin oak that was planted about two years ago in our front yard. This year it leafed out nicely but about a month ago the leaves began to roll up, then dry out and fall off. It seems ...
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Weatherford, TX
Lookink for bulbs of German Blue Bells in Weatherford, TX.
I am searching for a plant that is called "German Blue Bells". They are tubular as seed. Like tiny iris only bands around the tubular. The flower looks like a morning glory with an off set bloom....
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Weatherford, TX
Flowering plant for gravesite in Weatherford TX
I want to plant flowering plant of some kind at parent's grave site in Weatherford, TX. The family cemetery is on a limestone hill with no irrigation or ability to water other than nature. Would on...
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Weatherford, TX
Viability of Texas madrone tree in Weatherford, TX
I live in Weatherford, Texas (Parker County). Will a Madrone tree make it ok here and who sells them?
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