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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Please forgive us, but Mr. Smarty Plants has been overwhelmed by a flood of mail and must take a break for awhile to catch up. We hope to be accepting new questions again soon. Thank you!

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Questions From Near You

Lake Cypress Springs, TX
Deer Resistant Plants for East Texas
We have a lake house at Lake Cypress Springs, between Mt Vernon and Winnsboro, in East Texas. Can you suggest some deer-resistant plants/shrubs that have the potential to last? I understand deer wil...
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Scroggins, TX
Native bamboos from Scroggins TX
Can you please recommend a NATIVE bamboo for NE Tx? We live in the Piney Woods in a lake community.
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Winnsboro, TX
Plants to stabilize a steep slope in east Texas
We have a very steep dirt dam in Winnsboro TX, full sun, and burmuda and rye grasses have not been enough to keep from having some mud sliding. We keep adding clay and reworking but want to preserve t...
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Winnsboro, TX
Privacy hedge for East Texas
I need suggestions for a native shrub/bush as a privacy hedge for East Texas conditions. Thank you.
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Winnsboro, TX
Native Grasses for Winnsboro, Texas
What would be a good grass to plant in East Texas near Winnsboro? My soil is sandy.
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Pittsburg, TX
Using non-native Red-Tip Photinia as a mulch from Pittsburg TX
Wondering if its ok to use Red Tip Phontinia as a mulch? thanks
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Mount Pleasant, TX
Native ground covers for shade in East Texas
I live in Mount Pleasant, Texas which is in northeast Texas. I would like a list of ground covers that would do well in our area. The place I want to put it gets a lot of shade. The ground is clay. Th...
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Mt. Pleasant, TX
Will cattle eat non-native Star Jasmine from Mt. Pleasant TX
Will cattle eat Star Jasmine if planted on driveway entrance from pasture?
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Mt. Pleasant, TX
Removing Purple Top Tridens out of Mt Pleasant Texas
We would like to know how to kill these Purple Top Triden out of our garden. Thanks, Judy
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Mount Pleasant , TX
Grass-planting time in Mt. Pleasant, TX
We are new to Texas and just finished building a house. The builder wants to seed the grass now (December). Will it germinate or will we have to replant in spring?
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Quitman, TX
Butterfly gardening in Quitman, TX
We want to establish a butterfly garden in our back yard. What plants should we establish to attract the butterfly for food and host planting?
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Sulphur Springs, TX
Identification of possible wild plums thickets
I have several "thickets" of small shrub/bushes on my land that I hunt on. These small trees are usually 5-7 feet tall, always grow in thickets of ten to up to sixty or so bushes. They are always lo...
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Daingerfield, TX
Fast growing, native fruit trees for Northeast Texas
What kind of fruit tree will grow fast and be pretty in Northeast Texas?
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Gilmer, TX
Native grasses for Gilmer TX
I would like to get some native grasses growing on our farm that are good for wildlife - barnyard grass - sedges - smartweed - have read and heard that all I need to do is disc and fertilize - yes/no ...
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Gilmer, TX
Landscaping help for Gilmer, TX
We have just moved to the beautiful hot state of Texas from warm California and we need some help! Our roses are dying, we have a patch about 25ft. by 3ft. that gets the rain run off like a little str...
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Emory, TX
Unknown ailment of Turk's cap in northeast Texas
I just moved from the Dallas area to Emory in the north east part. I brought two young Turk's cap plants in pots. I had to leave the mother plant behind. The tops have a very curled and shrunken a...
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Emory, TX
Native Plants for Emory Texas
I live in Emory Texas want to plant native plants in my yard. I am new to Texas and need help.
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Hummingbird plants and Indian Hawthorn
I live in The Woodlands in a new section of homes. I planted some hummingbird plants in full sun and they did ok last year for 4 months, then lost all their leaves and died when the winter came. At ...
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Clarksville, TX
Plant identification
I have a plant that I would like to identify. It is a tall shrub/woody vine? (approx. 8-10 feet) that has very large thorns on its branches and stems. The stems remain green during winter. It loses it...
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Winona, TX
Can a fallen tree in Texas have pieces of it removed from Winona TX
I was wondering if you could tell me if a tree has fallen down, is it legal for me to go and cut pieces off of it in the state of Texas. And if you happen not to know could you tell me who I would con...
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Lindale, TX
How to eliminate Sawgrass from a small lake in Lindale, TX?
We live on a small acre lake (about 65 acres) and the majority of the lake is surrounded by what the locals are calling saw grass. From the description on the website, I believe they are correct. The...
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