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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Lake Gaston NC, NC
Deer Resistant Roses and Fruit Trees in NC
Hello, I am planning a house on Lake Gaston in North Carolina (to be built) and will need to establish a new garden on the cleared lot. I would like to focus on native plants, but I love a cutting ga...
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Wilmington, NC
Flying insects attacking yucca flacida in Wilmington NC
How do I treat flying insects from eating the flowers on my Yucca Flaccida shrub.
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Wilmington, NC
Landscaping from Wilmington NC
I plan on moving to Belmont NC in the next couple of years and settling down with my future wife in her home town. I am a huge do it yourself person. I love to make things from scratch, including buil...
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Wilmington, NC
Fast-growing tree for Wilmington NC
What kind of fast-growing tree would you plant in Wilmington, NC?
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Wilmington, NC
Different kinds of lantana in Wilmington, NC
I live in Wilmington, NC. I spent a small fortune on three varieties of lantana--Cherry Sunrise, Ham & Eggs and Bandana Red. I live on a salt water tidal creek and most are in full sun. Some are i...
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Wilmington, NC
Care for century plant
What is the best way to care for a Century Plant? We were given one as a gift and don't know what to do with it.
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Wilmington,, NC
Ensuring survival of wax myrtle in Wilmington, NC
I just transplanted some wax myrtle bushes. What do I need to do to insure they live?
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Burgaw, NC
Damage from Hurricane Irene in Burgaw, NC
We live in Burgaw, NC and have begun the clean up efforts of Hurricane Irene which has made a full grown crape myrtle lean to one side. Its a very large tree and it is not uprooted. Is there anyway ...
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Southport, NC
Transplanting sparkleberry trees in Southport NC
I am interested in transplanting some sparkleberry trees to my yard. It is on the Cape Fear River and it would have full sun for a large part of the day. When would be a good time to transplant the ...
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Southport, NC
Problems with non-native mandevilla in Southport NC
I have planted a mandevilla and the leaves look healthy. It produces buds, but something is cutting them off. Right next to it is a mandevilla that is blooming profusely. Any ideas?
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Holly Ridge , NC
Shrub for part shade for hedge in Holly Ridge NC
We live in Coastal NC. We would like a type of shrub for the front of our home which is partial shade, similar style to a boxwood or trainable hedge. What NC native would compare?
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Topsail Island, NC
Need suggestions for trees to withstand high winds on Top Sail Island, North Caroloina.
Moving to coastal southern North Carolina. Planting native trees and shrubs, wax bayberry, Redbud, love the River Birch. What type of tree has the deepest roots or would be least likely to blow over...
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N. Topsail Beach, NC
Source for Century Plant in Wilmington NC
Where can I buy a Century plant in the Wilmington NC area?
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North Myrtle Beach, SC
Shrubs for North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
What shrubs can I plant on the west-facing side of my home? The way the house sits, these shrubs will only get 2-3 hours of sun, but those 2-3 hours are end-of-the-day hot! Thanks!!
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North Myrtle Beach, SC
What is the correct genus name for Fringe flower in North Myrtle Beach, SC?
Is it Laura Pedlum or lorapetalum? I saw this shrub last week, and finally found a picture of it. The search engine listed about three different names for it! So what is the correct name, and does i...
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Jacksonville, NC
Campsis radicans or cow itch
We cleaned my father-in-law's home-place up out in the country week-before-last. My wife, her 2 sisters and a niece have this unusual-looking poison on them. It is big red places and itches all ove...
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Jacksonville, NC
Ailing non-native red tip photinia
My red tips look like they are brittle and the leaves are spotted. What do I do?
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midway park, NC
Identification of palm plant
Hello! I just bought a tiny 10" tall feather leafed palm. I did my research first though, and thought I was buying an areca palm. Now after doing more research, I really have no idea what type of pal...
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Hubert, NC
Transplant of non-native Lathyrus tuberosus in North Carolina
I have a tuberous sweetpea vine that grows wild on our property. When would be a good time to move this plant to a better location?
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Myrtle Beach, SC
Should wax myrtle (Morella cerifera) wood be burned in a fireplace
Mr. Smarty Pants, Could you please tell me if Wax Myrtle is a hardwood or softwood? Our neighbor had to cut down his as they had grown into trees from the previous owners. We would like to burn t...
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Myrtle Beach, SC
How to get rid of invasive wild bean vine
An invasive vine has taken over our beds, mostly wherever we have asiatic jasmine ground cover. We seem to be the only people nearby with this problem, and the volunteers with our local master gardene...
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