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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Laytonsville, MD
Plants to filter dust from a road in MD
I live in MD next to a dirt/gravel access road. I would like to plant something along my property line to block the clouds of dust we regularly get from cars and dirt bikes. Is there something fast ...
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Olney, MD
Endangered plants of Maryland
My high school would like to plant endangered plant species of Maryland in our wetlands, but we do not know where we can acquire these plants. Do you know of a place where we could buy endangered plan...
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Gaithersburg, MD
Looking for a source for Atlantic pigeonwings (Clitoria mariana)
I hope you can help me a little. I'm trying to find a way to get Clitoria mariana (Atlantic pigeonwings) in my garden, but can't find a seed source anywhere. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks...
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Rockville, MD
Maryland native plant source
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, Great answer to the man from Severen, MD with list of Maryland natives. Did you know that some of these natives are propogated from seed collected in the wild by Chesapeake Nat...
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Rockville, MD
Cutting Back Perennials in the Fall?
We have large beds of flowering native perennials that we planted around our house as part of a landscape conservation plan (various Joe-Pyes, goldenrods, turtlehead, blazing star, brown-eyed Susans)....
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Rockville, MD
Eliminating black locust volunteers in Rockville MD
I am a landscape designer whose client has a very large, mature black locust in her front yard. Not surprisingly, she also has multitudes of black locust volunteers popping up all over her yard. The...
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Rockville, MD
Listing of plants matched to specific pollinators
Could you refer me to a listing of plants matched to specific pollinators? I have completed the conversion of a local nature center garden to a pollinator garden with all natives. We hope to place ed...
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North Potomac, MD
Deer resistant plants for MD
My home backs to the Muddy Branch Creek parkland,which is suffering greatly from a large deer population. Many of the plants that existed in the woods when we purchased our home (1986), such as mayap...
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Highland, MD
Deer resistant, shade tolerant trees for part shade in Highland MD
Deer resistant privacy trees for partial shady area in Highland, MD.
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Kensington, MD
Clearing up the nativity of so-called Baltimore sedge (Carex senta)
Dear Smarty Pants: Hi, did you ever get more clarity on the Carex senta issue (baltimore sedge)? Whether or not it was a wetland grass? I too am in Maryland and was thinking of planting it for a law...
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Kensington, MD
Buffalograss from Kensington MD
Hi, I'm going to follow-up on the buffalograss question from Charlottesville, since it wasn't answered fully. I'm wondering the same thing: can buffallograss survive the wet conditions of the more ...
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Columbia, MD
Ground cover for shady area in Maryland
What ground cover grows well on a shady slope with close to surface tree roots?
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Poolesville, MD
Native plant nursery
I want to grow wildflower starts for tough-to-grow plants for retail and commercial sale. And I prefer organic, but, jeez, one step at a time. Any guidance on the ins and outs of this business? D...
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Chevy Chase, MD
Groundcover for Maryland to replace English ivy
What is a suitable ground cover native replacement for english ivy? Native to Maryland.
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Chevy Chase, MD
New house plant in pot in Chevy Chase MD
Is it possible for one house plant to eventually die in the pot while a completely different plant grows in its place? The new plant looks similar to the potted plant next to it but it is not quite t...
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Chevy Chase, MD
Native grasses for Boy Scout project in the Georgetown-Washington DC area
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I am in the process of preparing an extensive native grass planting at Thompson's Boat House in Georgetown, Washington DC for a Boy Scouts of America Eagle Project. It is m...
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Chevy Chase, MD
Native magnolias in MD
We live in Chevy Chase MD. Three tulip magnolias planted three years ago as part of a hedge died during the blizzard conditions we experienced the winter following their planting. This year as well w...
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Bethesda, MD
Plant to trail down concrete block retaining wall in Maryland
Hello, Your website is an excellent resource. Thank you very much! My girlfriend recently bought a house that has a concrete block retaining wall in the front yard. We want to improve the app...
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Bethesda, MD
Plants for erosion of shaded slope in Bethesda MD
I have an eastern facing heavily shaded slope in Bethesda, Md. that needs a few good native plants to keep it from eroding. Ferns are not doing well on it. They do much better in the flats. So, anythi...
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Bethesda, MD
Privacy Hedge for Maryland Porch
I am working on a screen/fence, which is a barrier hedge between our house and our next door neighbor's house to add privacy to our screen porch and dining area, especially in winter. The fence would...
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Bethesda, MD
Transplanting Cornus sericea by sprouts in Maryland
I would like to transplant suckers of a red-twig dogwood (Cornus sericea). When is the best time to do it (before or during dormancy)? How big of a root system does each sucker need to survive? Where ...
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