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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

nottingham, MD
Is red tip Photinia toxic to dogs?
Is the red tip bush toxic to dogs?
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Nottingham, MD
Suggestions for alternatives to invasive, non-native English ivy
Can English ivy be planted in a pot, kept oudoors, and expected to endure our Maryland winters?
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Harford, MD
Medicinal purposes of the common pepper
Hello. I am a student at North Harford High School in Harford County, Maryland. I am currently doing a project in environmental science which requires me to do an interview, or at least ask some que...
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Towson, MD
Leafing out problems with oaks in Towson MD
3 native 5-year-old oaks kept old leaves until March and are not leafing by the end of May. The few leaves that have emerged are shriveled. WHAT'S WRONG?
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Towson, MD
Groundcover for a Sunny, Steep Slope in Maryland
I need a groundcover for a sunny dry steep slope in Towson, Maryland. The slope goes from the parking lot down to a deck area.
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Baltimore, MD
Failure of hybridized red hollies to grow
I have 2 red hollies planted in my yard about 20' apart, 3 years now. They won't grow. Do I need to have a male with them?
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Baltimore, MD
Groundcover for Maryland Slope in Deer Country
I have a 20-30% grade hill in Maryland. I am looking for a groundcover plant (for example ivy) that I can plant on the hill. I have the following issues: clay soil, deer, full sun, limited water sourc...
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Baltimore, MD
Simple flowers vs. compound flowers
Please, give the characteristics of a "simple flower" as distinct from a compound flower which has rays and "disk flowers". What type of flower is the flower of a chive,which seems to be composed...
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Baltimore, MD
Literature on native plants and wildlife from Baltimore
Can you tell me a good review of the literature on the relation between native plants and ecology; for example, a study might indicate how native plants support more birds or other wildlife.
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Baltimore, MD
Transplant shock in Achillea millefolium
I had a clump of yarrow in my garden and was worried that it would become very aggressive to the other plants. I decided to transplant it into large clay pots to control it. Immediately after the tran...
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Baltimore, MD
Need recommendations for native plants on a dry sunny hillside in Baltimore Maryland.
Need native recommendations for sunny, dry hillside for ground cover or shrub in Maryland. Mowing the grass is a pain and an energy waster (and I don't want to be tempted to extend some adjacent exi...
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Baltimore, MD
Vines for side of home
Can you suggest a native vine for Central Maryland? The intent is for the vine to grow up the southern face of a vinyl sided home to make the home more attractive but also to provide some reduction o...
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Baltimore, MD
Non-native Littleleaf Boxwood and native alternatives for Baltimore
I am looking for a small hedge or shrub, that will look nice year round, and won't get too large. I live in Baltimore, MD. I have heard of Winter Gem Boxwood. Will this prove hardy in my area? H...
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Baltimore, MD
Deciduous tree with tap root
I have a 13 foot space between two town houses and would like to plant a slender deciduous tree up to 30 feet in height with a tendency to tap root so as not to disturb the foundation of the houses. ...
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Baltimore, MD
Native plants more beneficial for Maryland and Chesapeake Bay?
Why are native plant species more beneficial than non native plant species for the state of Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay?
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Baltimore, MD
Native Groundcover For Under Pine Trees in Maryland
I am looking for a groundcover to plant under pine trees in Maryland to prevent erosion.
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Baltimore, MD
Wildflowers for an April wedding in Baltimore
Dear Mr Smarty Pants, Thank you for your help. Our niece wants native wildflowers blooming at her wedding on April 17, 2010 which will be at a family home on the Eastern Shore of Maryland between Ba...
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Baltimore, MD
Location of Agalinis acuta, sandplain gerardia.
Where can the sandplain gerardia be found?
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Baltimore, MD
Cutting back a Rhododendron in Maryland
I have a planting of six shrubs across the front of my house (alternating azalea & rhododendron). All have died except for one huge rhody & a small azalea next to it. Can I cut the huge rhody back to ...
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Baltimore, MD
Identification of small plant with white flowers in Baltimore, MD
It's a small plant, has flowers in June, four white petals with large, tall conical center, about no more than an inch in diameter. The leaves are alternating with branched veins. It stays at about 6...
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Baltimore, MD
Native plants for a bioswale in Baltimore
What native plants would suit a bioswale in an urban part of Baltimore City? The clay soil gets waterlogged and the site has part shade.
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