Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants
Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Trenton, NJ
Differences in Plant Growth
How do plants grow differently?
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Trenton, NJ
Springbeauty in New Jersey and Dog Allergies
Is Claytonia virginica in New Jersey and could my dog be allergic to it?
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Bordentown, NJ
Plant identification--Mock Orange
I "grew up" with what I was told was a "Mockorange Bush." I've been looking around to be able to try to identify what variety it was. To be specific, the one that I am familiar with had little...
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Yardley, PA
Screening trees for PA
We are looking to plant some privacy trees in back of our home. Since our neighbor is directly behind us but we don't want to plant something distasteful to our neighbor. Do you have a recommendation...
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Robbinsville, NJ
Should black-eyed susan (Rudbeckia hirta) plants be cut back
I have black-eyed susan plants that were beautiful last year and flowered for a long time. Do they need to be cut back and if so, how much?
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Langhorne, PA
Poor drainage in clay soils in Langhorne PA
Our backyard has very poor drainage, to the point of up to 3 inches of rain can sit until it is evaporated. Talking to neighbors, they informed us that there use to be a terrain that ran through our ...
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Princeton, NJ
Non-native Boulevard Cypress Pom Pom trees in Princeton NJ
I just had some landscaping done near my front door and front yard. I have two Boulevard Cypress B&B (4-5') Pom Pom. The pom poms are turning brown. What should I have been doing? I am watering them ...
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Princeton, NJ
Plants native to Central New Jersey
What trees are native to Central New Jersey? Also, can you give me a website or information on plant life and tree life in Central New Jersey?
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Newtown, PA
Non-blooming of Campsis radicans, Trumpet Vine
I have a trumpet vine that does not bloom. My neighbor has the same plant and it blooms profusely. I have pruned the vine in February as was suggested on another site. It is healthy and is planted a...
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Plainsboro, NJ
Plant identification
It is a small, thin vine growing in the grass in the shadier parts of the lawn. Every 3-4 inches it has two thin stems about three inches long sprouting from almost exactly the same place on the vine...
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Willingboro, NJ
Problem with non-native peach tree in Willingboro NJ
I have a peach tree in my back yard. The tree was in the yard when I bought the house. I have lived at my address almost six years. This year the peach tree is dripping a thick jelly-like sap from ...
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New Egypt, NJ
Developing fields with native plants from New Egypt NJ
I have several acres of fields that I want to develop with native grasses and flowers. I would like to know the best time to mow the fields so that bushes and volunteer trees don't take over and that...
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New Egypt, NJ
Invasive phragmites from New Egypt NJ
I have some wetland near a road. It has been taken over by phragmites. How is the best way to remove these grasses and add some diversity to this area. The area in question is approx. 100 by 30 feet.
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New Egypt, NJ
Native Shrubs to Plant with Viburnum in New Jersey
Please provide me with a list of native shrubs, plants etc. for New Jersey that would work with my existing native viburnum.
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New Egypt, NJ
Butterfly Bush Alternatives in New Egypt NJ
I have a Non Native Butterfly Bush near my house. I heard that it could be invasive. What alternative plants could replace this bush as it is a butterfly magnet in late summer. Swallowtales and monarc...
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New Egypt, NJ
Companion Plants for Rhododendron periclymenoides
Could you identify companion plants that work well with the pink azalea (Rhododendron periclymenoides)?
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Mount Holly, NJ
Transplanting crabapples in NJ
I purchased a mature Red Baron crabapple in march of this year from a reputable nursery here in southern NJ. The tree was in the ground when I first viewed it, and since it was march and hadn't bloom...
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Andalusia, PA
Creating a wildlife refuge
We would like to make my yard more of a wildlife refuge by using a portion of the lawn for plants and shrubs and may afford shelter for birds and other wildlife. Can you please recommend what we shoul...
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Dayton, NJ
Low cost, low maintenance, water tolerants native plants for New Jersey
I am planning a bed around my deck which will include shrubs and flowers. I am looking for plants that require a lot of water due to the wet soil conditions and poor drainage in my yard. Do you have...
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Ivyland, PA
Deer resistant trees and shrubs for PA
My yard backs up to woods, and we have a herd of 12 deer who peruse the neighborhood. This winter, the deer went after bushes and trees that they previously have not touched: euonomous and leyland cyp...
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