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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

New Rochelle, NY
Transplanting native, protected Ostrich fern in New York
Please give advice about how to transplant Matteuccia struthiopteris. What is the best time of year to do this?
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New Rochelle, NY
Native plants for an outdoor wedding in New York
I am planning an outdoor wedding in New Rochelle, NY in May. We would like to use native plants. Can you suggests some that we can use in the bouquets and as potted plants? Thanks
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Larchmont, NY
Shade tolerant plants for privacy from Larchmont NY
Love your site! We have a 4'x4'x50' stone wall, full sun, with a planting bed 30"H by 24"D. We're looking for privacy, so a hedge with pruning is needed. We have looked at Ilex Crenata (8'),...
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Mount Vernon, NY
Care of non-native house plant
Please let me know how to keep a dieffenbachia plant healthy and growing. I notice some leaves turn yellow. I water them once a week and keep it on the windowsill with some sunlight. Should I be do...
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Bronxville, NY
Pollinator for Juniperus virginiana "Grey Owl"
I would like to buy Juniperus virginiana 'Grey Owl' as a source of berries for birds. 'Grey Owl' is a female clone, so it obviously must need a male pollinator. What J. virginiana male pollinato...
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Bronxville, NY
Replacement of barberry hedge with native, bird-friendly plants
I am looking to replace an existing barberry hedge with a deciduous hedge, using a plant that is native to the northeast. I am in zone 6. The site is sun/part sun with decent drainage. The mature si...
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Mamaroneck, NY
Botanical name for \
A friend gave me a garden flower plant called "clown face". What is the botanical name and where can I get info about it?
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yonkers, NY
Indoor pot plants
I just moved into a studio apt. where a lot of heat is provided. Do you have a listing of house plants suitable for warm apartments? I have four windows, all with indirect sunlight.
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Westchester, NY
Winterberry holly not fruiting
Regarding Ilex verticillata, which I have planted in a partial sun, somewhere between all dry and all wet location, i don't see any red berries, and it's mid-october. We are in the 'burbs of just ...
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Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Deer resistant plants for New York
My home is near the woods and so we get plenty of deer munching on everything but we also have shade and dappled light in the yard. I need to figure out plants that would thrive under these conditions...
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rye, NY
Evergreen Shrub for shade in Rye, New York
Hello - I am looking for native shrubs for partial/mostly shade in Rye, New York. Evergreen, perennial and no larger than 4' in height. The bed is 68' in front of an elementary school facing south ...
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Rye, NY
Problems in germination of Asclepias tuberosa in New York
I am a member of the Native Plant Center at Westchester Community College and I need information on Acleptis tuberosa. I am in USDA zone 6. Last year I planted fresh seeds purchased from Johnny's S...
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Rye, NY
Texas wildflowers for April wedding
A friend of mine is getting married in Texas in April and wanted to decorate the event with flowers native to that state. In my experience wildflowers do not last long out of the ground or in cut for...
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Ardsley , NY
Restoring and propagating rhododendrons
I have 70+ year old native rhododendrons (16+ feet high) in my backyard. After all these years they are beginning to get dammaged by snow load and ice. Therefore I have 2 quesitons concerning these b...
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Hastings on Hudson, NY
Native plants for condo apartments in New York
Hello, and thank you for this wonderful source of help! We live in Hastings on Hudson, NY in a brick building of 7 condo apartments. Our corner unit has one narrow flower bed out front on the stre...
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White Plains, NY
What will grow under non-native, invasive Norway Maple in White Plains NY?
Is there anything that will grow under a Norway Maple? The soil is dry and the area is small hill next to my driveway. It is an eye sore! Thank you!
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Great Neck , NY
Overwintering a Juncus effusus in Great Neck, NY
Can I over winter a juncus effusus spiralis indoors or must it be kept outdoors? Whether indoors or outdoors, what is the proper way to keep it alive during the winter months?
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Great Neck , NY
Wintering over of non-native Myriophyllum brasiliensis
I have a Myriophyllum brasiliensis in my outdoor fountain which I drain in the cold weather. How can I keep the plant alive over the winter? Thank you.
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Irvington , NY
New York State Shrubs to Screen Home from Traffic
I am looking for a native New York bush/small tree which I can use along a road to screen my home from year-round car traffic. The area is not terribly wide and the soil is OK. I am willing to prune a...
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Sparkill, NY
Native fescues and sedges for turf in New York
Hello, Came across your contact info while googling and hoped you could help answer a question or direct me to another resource that can. I am looking to redo my entire landscaping with native NY ...
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Valhalla, NY
Native bulbs for the northeastern U. S.
What native bulbs could we plant in the Northeast? Can they only be planted in the fall as Dutch bulbs are?
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