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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Please forgive us, but Mr. Smarty Plants has been overwhelmed by a flood of mail and must take a break for awhile to catch up. We hope to be accepting new questions again soon. Thank you!

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Questions From Near You

Waterford, CA
Beneficial characteristics of Phytolacca americana (Pokeweed)
I have a surprise Polk weed plant growing in my back yard, does it have any beneficial uses,and if not, how best to eradicate it. Thank you.
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Waterford, CA
Non-fruiting Willamette raspberry plant in Wateford CA
I have a 2 year old Willamette Raspberry plant that has many blooms, bees, great growing conditions, very healthy but has never set one fruit. I know about pruning. Any suggestions? It has been bloomi...
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Waterford, CA
Information about empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa)
I have an Empress Tree, 3 yrs old, and the limbs grow straight out from the trunk about 2-3ft and then grow straight upward. When do they start to grow outward for a canopy??
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Modesto, CA
Native groundcover for central California
In Modesto, CA. Hot summers, cold winters. Need a low ground cover for area next to driveway approx. 5ft X 14ft. that stays green all year round. I did have grass there but neigbors lawn is loaded wit...
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Modesto, CA
Plants addicted to caffeine
Im doing a science project on if plants can get addicted to caffeine, but coffee in general and i was wondering what materials you need to figure that out.
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Crows Landing, CA
Trees with non-invasive roots for California
My family is currently in the process of redoing our entire yard. A huge task I might add! We had fruitless mulberries planted and one Modesto Ash. As much as we loved them we are hating their roots. ...
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Newman, CA
Growing grapes from seed in California
Can I grow grapes from seed? If so, what is procedure?
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Manteca, CA
Plant identification, orange honeysuckle
I have two potted trees in my yard. They have honeysuckle-shaped, orange flowers that bloom year long and the leaves also resemble those of honeysuckle. There were no identification tags on them whe...
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Merced, CA
What are the native fruit-bearing plants in North America?
What are the native fruit-bearing plants in North America?
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Merced, CA
Shade trees for horses in Merced, CA
I would like to plant some trees to provide shade for horses in the pasture. What native trees are drought resistant (water may be spotty in the summer) yet safe for the animals? I live in the Calif...
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Merced, CA
Replacement for waxleaf privet
i just removed some waxleaf privet due to reading about the invasive and allergy problem to it. Is indian hawthorn blueberry muffin any better? what shrub do you recommend? I want it to grow about 6-1...
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Merced, CA
Evergreen shrubs for privacy in Merced County California
Mr. Smarty, A main road will be moving closer to our home in the next two years. A chain link fence will be put in but we would like to start planting now for privacy. We would appreciate any ide...
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Merced, CA
Need advice ab out raspberry root in Merced CA
I planted a raspberry root the day that it started raining hard. I was just concerned about the root rotting since there is so much rain going on lately. Will I need to replace it or will the root...
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Lathrop , CA
Plants for shade in Northern California
What are good plants that grow and live in shade only?
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Sonora, CA
Understory plants for Tuolumne Co., CA
My driveway is lined with purple plum trees. I would like to grow something underneath them. What can I grow that will not harm the root system/health of the trees?
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sonora, CA
No Grapes on Vines in Sonora, CA
We have lived in our home since 2002 and have a grapevine that grows beautiful green lush leaves and vines every year but never has produced grapes. What can I do to get some grapes on this vine?
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Sonora, CA
Coreopsis failing to bloom in Sonora CA
My Coreopsis buds form and then die. Very few open. The plants are two and three years old, in a clay type soil. Is it possible they're getting too much water, and that is whats making the buds die ...
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Sonora, CA
Non native crape myrtle changing bloom colors in Sonora CA
I have a Red Rocket Crape Myrtle that was planted a little over a year ago. Last year the bloom was a beautiful deep red and this year it is a Mauvie pink. Is there something I can do to bring it back...
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Angels Camp, CA
Methods of planting state wildflowers on roadsides in California
My garden club is initiating a program to plant state hwy 49 within our county with our state flower, California Poppy. Do you have information on using hydroseeding as a method of planting?
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Stockton, CA
Spots on non-native naval orange trees from Stockton CA
I have two mature Navel Orange trees. One tree has developed spotty chlorophyl depleted areas that were not on the oranges when they were smaller. In addition, the oranges on both trees are smaller ,...
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Stockton, CA
Fruit on Jasmines
My jasmines have grown some small purple fruits and she is about to get her full bloom soon. Should I cut them off to help the plants out? What are they?
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