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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Sun Lakes, AZ
Puncture wound from Blue Agave leaf.
A blue agave leave went through my glove and into my hand. It's swelled up a bit and hurts. Is this just a passing thing.
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Chandler, AZ
Native plants of Arizona from Chandler AZ
What are some native plants of Arizona, and how do survive in the heat?
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Plant identification, green and tube-like
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Chandler, AZ
Mountain Laurel having trouble in AZ
A Sophora secundflora (Texas mountain laurel) was planted to an Arizona north faced front yard last year in August under full sun. Starting early this year, I noticed its leaves turn to light green an...
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Chandler, AZ
Are the seeds of Texas ebony poisonous to dogs from Chandler AZ
Please tell me if it is dangerous for my puppy to eat the seeds of a Texas ebony. She seems to be attracted to them.
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Chandler, AZ
Failure to bloom of non-native crepe myrtle
I have a white crepe myrtle that never bloomed last pink ones were beautiful. What can I fertilize with to promote blooming for the white one? And, yes, it is in the sun!
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Chandler, AZ
Care for non-native Indian Banyan Tree
I was given a Ficus benghalensis (Indian Banyan Tree) cutting, rooted in water. I need advice on how to plant it, what kind of dirt, best type of pot ie. plastic, glass, etc. The cutting is 1 foot i...
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Gilbert, AZ
Hedge in Desert Full Sun
We want a short hedge, 2-3 ft tall, small leaves that fill in to full looking hedge. It is in Phoenix Arizona area and gets full sun all afternoon
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Gilbert, AZ
Something eating Arizona ash in Gilbert AZ
Something is eating my Arizona ash tree. what should I spray on it?
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Gilbert, AZ
Source for Anacacho Orchid Seeds
Is there any place in TX that I can ask to send me Anacacho Orchid seeds that I can germinate?
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Mesa, AZ
Help for a Transplanted Bougainvillea
I recently planted a bougainvillea in our south-facing front yard. While planting it, we inadvertently severed a large portion of the root system from the plant. What, if anything, can we do to help...
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Mesa, AZ
Mosquito problem from Mesa AZ
We have a mosquito problem in our backyard, I think they're grass Mosquitos. I wanted to get lemongrass for a deterrent but both nurseries were out so I opted for rosemary. They're ALL OVER the rose...
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Mesa, AZ
Transplanting large Silverado Sage bushes from Mesa AZ
We just bought a condo with three Silverado Sage, each one is 6-8 ft tall, trained to grow as "trees" with bare branches for the bottom 4 feet or so, and beautiful flowering branches on top. They ar...
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Mesa, AZ
Soaptree yucca falling over in Mesa AZ
My soaptree yucca is about 5 ft tall and has fallen over. Does this plant require staking for I thought not, or is something else going on with it?
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Mesa, AZ
Problem with Live Oaks in Mesa AZ
I have two Evergreen Live Oaks in central Arizona. One is flourishing and getting new spring leaves from top to bottom. Its trunk is rough, has large grooves, and the spots where I've pruned look li...
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Mesa, AZ
Why is my Agave suffering in Mesa, Arizona?
I live in Mesa AZ, and have an agave that we planted 7 years ago. It grew like crazy with hardly any care whatsoever, until I cut off some of the bottom leaves and 'pups' about a month ago. Recently...
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Mesa, AZ
Problems with non-native citrus trees from Mesa AZ
We have one valencia orange tree and one naval orange tree in our Mesa, AZ yard. Just noticed some oranges on both trees have a 1/4 inch diameter hole through the skin and the orange fruit and skin a...
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Queen Creek, AZ
Germination period for Snow Mountain beardtongue (Penstemon purpusii)
Why is the germination period for the Snowmountain Beardtongue so long?. I understand it to be approximately 690 days.
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Sun Tan Valley, AZ
Photo identification from Sun Tan Valley AZ
I just tried sending y'all some photos of a plant I'd like to identify. The email address failed. Please let me know how I can get these 3 photos sent.
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Scottsdale, AZ
Information about growing food in Arizona
Edible plants in Arizona: How can I get information on planting and growing food in Scottsdale Arizona?
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Scottsdale, AZ
Evergreen plants for shaded fence in Arizona
I need to place a fence around my front yard (4-5 ft tall), in Arizona. What evergreen flower/plant can you recommend that would grow on this fence? (it would only get about 2-4 hours of sun daily and...
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