Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants
Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Rico, CO
Control of white clover (Trifolium repens)
our yard was remediated by ARCO in Rico Colorado. they brought in soil that must have been from clover fields. the soil produces tense low growing and fast growing clover with white flowers. it is inv...
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Bayfield, CO
Cedar trees dying in CO
We have mature cedar trees at the home we bought in SW Colorado. The large ones have begun to die. Can too much water kill a cedar tree and is there anything I can do to keep them alive?
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Ignacio, CO
Edible plants beginning with I, T, X and Z in Colorado
My friend would like to know a fruit or vegetable that he would plant in his garden and come back yearly. The plants would have to start with the letters I,T,X, & Z. It has to be edible, of course.
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Delta, CO
Many different species called
I know from researching that Dusty Miller is drought tolerant. But, I tend to water too much when I do get irrigation water. Will it stand this? (clay soil, near a very young globe willow, southern ex...
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Delta, CO
Plants harmed by chipped spruce and evergreens for mulch in Colorado
What plants would be harmed by using chipped Spruce and evergreens for mulch? Thank you.
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Paonia, CO
Percentage of plants native to U.S.
About 50% of the plant species in Hawaii are naturalized, invasive, aliens (from other places). What are equivalent statistics for the lower 48 states (continental US) as a whole?
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Grand Junction, CO
Pond plants that ducks will NOT eat
What kind of pond plants are there that ducks will NOT eat?
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Salida, CO
Plant identification of ethereal plant in Colorado
We live in the south central mountains of Colorado in the upper Arkansas River valley near Salida, Colorado. During the past few weeks we have noticed a very mystic looking plant (flower/grass?) alon...
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Basalt, CO
Native plants for high moisture area in Aspen CO
We live near Aspen, CO at about 7,000 ft elevation. We have a seasonal creek running through our yard with large amounts of fertilization from farms in the water and a very high water table with tons ...
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Rifle, CO
Replacement for Kentucky grass in Colorado
What kind of grass to replace "Kentucky grass"? It uses too much water. Need drought tolerant grass for the Rifle, Colorado area ("zip code is 81650"). Water bill is way too high, pushing over $10...
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Rifle, CO
Rooting cuttings in water from Rifle CO
Found russian sage lavender stems from cutting. Need to find out if I can root them in water?
I also have found rose cutting; wondering if I can put them in water to root?
I have a western chokecher...
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Glenwood Springs, CO
Native flowers of Italy from Glenwood Springs, CO
My son is dating an Italian girl. Could you just tell me some native flowers of Italy, so he can send her some flowers?
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Glenwood Springs, CO
High water table in Glewood Springs CO
We are considering the purchase of a home in Glenwood Springs, CO (elev. Approximately 5,000 ft) and find it strange that while neighboring properties in the subdivision have beautiful landscaping wit...
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Jemez Springs, NM
Planters for wildflower exhibit in Jemez Springs NM
I am planning to have a wildflower/pollinator exhibit at a visitor center located on a high elevation grassland (no trees). I would like advice on the size of the planter boxes.The area is located at...
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Valdez, NM
Planting shrubs on a rocky slope
I need to plant a rocky slope, facing south and west, to cut down erosion.
Other than creating terraces, are there tricks for securing individual shrubs or trees to a slope when planting?
What plant...
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Los Alamos, NM
Native American barberry with edible fruit in New Mexico
HI I am looking for a native american burberry plant with edible fruit. I love Persian cuisine, and they use the dried fruit of the burberry plant in a rice dish that I would like to recreate. I liv...
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Espanola, NM
Growing Sophora gypsophila from seed
Sophora gypsophila B.L. Turner & Powell
Do you have any information on growing this small tree from seed? I have a few seeds and would like to try. What conditions break seed dormancy? I have grown ...
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Chimayo, NM
Verticillium wilt in catalpa and maple
On Monday - July 07, 2008, you answered a question about a catalpa and maple with the same problem--an entire branch died, and then more of the tree died. And both trees came from the same nursery. Th...
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Florissant, CO
Transplanting aspens and Colorado blue spruce trees
Please help me with info on transplanting aspen and blue spruce trees in Colorado. I live at 8600ft and have tons of deer. thx
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Angel Fire, , NM
Wildflowers for Angel Fire, NM
What wildflowers would you recommend for Angel Fire, NM, at an elevation of 9150 ft. with rocky soil and a windy, northwest exposure? Thank you for your help!
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Angel Fire, NM
Deer and rabbit resistant alpine plants for New Mexico
What plants, including wildflowers, would you recommend for a somewhat windy, southeast exposure with rocky soil at 9150ft in Angel Fire, New Mexico, that are deer, rabbit, and chipmonk resistant? (I ...
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